The Arizona Republic

Do firearms supporters shoot selves in the feet?

- EJ Montini Columnist Arizona Republic USA TODAY NETWORK

Now that the federal government has devolved into a monarchy, thanks to the Republican-controlled senate, it remains to be seen whether the states will maintain some level of democracy or themselves descend into ideologica­l fiefdoms.

Those that haven’t already, that is. For example, in our democratic republic if you violate the Second Amendment to the Constituti­on, or the First Amendment, or any of the amendments, then what you are doing is illegal.

This is not an esoteric concept. The Constituti­on is the supreme law of the land. Either we believe in it or not.

Still, three Republican state representa­tives, Leo Biasiucci, Walt Blackman and Frank Carroll, introduced a bill (House Bill 2093) that would nullify “any act, law, treaty, order, rule or regulation” that violates the Second Amendment.


Proposals like this really please firearms enthusiast­s, who have been pushing so-called Second Amendment “sanctuary” legislatio­n across the country.

Late last year, Mohave County joined the mob, with supervisor­s there voting not to authorize the use of any county funds, employees or other resources “for the purpose of enforcing laws that unconstitu­tionally infringe on the people’s right to keep and bear arms.”

State law would trump that. Federal law would trump that. Courts, ultimately, would decide.

In a press release, the three state representa­tives pushing HB 2093 made statements that seem to indicate they either don’t understand the Constituti­on or that YOU don’t understand it. Hoping to score political points on your presumed ignorance and the fear they’d like to instill.

“The Second Amendment guarantees vital liberties, just like the First Amendment protects the freedom of speech and the Fourth Amendment prevents unreasonab­le searches and seizures,” said Biasiucci. “We stand with law-abiding gun owners to ensure they are never disarmed in the name of political posturing.”

Yes, protection­s under the Constituti­on ARE guaranteed. That’s why we need no law replicatin­g our existing protection­s.

“Progressiv­e activists will stop at nothing to disarm the public,” said Blackman. “It is time we send a message that we as a state won’t put the safety of our families and communitie­s in jeopardy by allowing unconstitu­tional overreache­s.”

Again, if it is unconstitu­tional, then it’s … unconstitu­tional. Meaning, it’s already illegal.

“We see, in states like Virginia, a coordinate­d attack on the Second

Amendment and law-abiding citizens,” said Carroll. “Here in Arizona, we want to make sure that radical politician­s, nationally or locally, won’t encroach on our constituti­onal rights.”

Let’s review — again.

Bills are often introduced to please a constituen­cy and not actually to be passed. But believing in the Constituti­on and supporting it is important. If a law gets passed that is believed to be unconstitu­tional it can be challenged in court, meaning this particular law isn’t necessary.

What may be needed, however, is a statutory mandate that Arizona lawmakers take a class in civics.

Unless we’re no longer interested in democratic­ally electing representa­tives and more interested in being governed by feudal lords.

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