The Arizona Republic

Did halftime show objectify or liberate women?

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The 2020 Super Bowl halftime show has rekindled a cultural debate that has been dividing older and younger feminists. We asked our “Voices: Engaging Arizona” Facebook group to answer the following question:

Do revealing costumes objectify women or liberate them to express their sexuality?

Michael McAfee, Mesa: I found it fascinatin­g. Not the Vegas style costumes or the hip-hop inspired dancing. Nope, I’ve seen enough of those types of shows not to be shocked. I fell off the turnip truck a long time ago. So long as the performers are not being “pimped,” I see it as an expression of their power. They are attractive women, they know that men are visually stimulated and they revel in their power to influence men (and women too). What caught my attention was the big “middle finger” they gave to Trump. The Spanish, the children in cages, the Arabic yodel and the Puerto Rican flag. “Hola, Miami”!

Katrina Martinez, Buckeye: I found the performanc­e very empowering. You have two Latin American women who portrayed various aspects of their culture through their performanc­e on national television. Unfortunat­ely, it appears many people missed this cultural aspect. I would ask anyone with an open mind to ask why these women chose certain dances and you will see there was more meaning to their performanc­e than meets the eye.

Jude Clark, Buckeye: Both. But if female performers think they only way they can sell their product is by exploiting their sexuality, then they will be objectifie­d. There’s also another word for that: Pandering.

Sam Buffington, Sun City West: I’ll have to think about that. There was quite a bit of commenting on the outfits where I was last night, mostly by the women.

Mary Marshall Shipe, Gilbert: Who needs an expression of sexuality at the Super Bowl? If that’s the case, why not have the men express theirs too? So much for family entertainm­ent.

Jay Alderson, Phoenix: I don’t think anyone is going to force Jennifer Lopez to do anything she doesn’t want to do, so I’m pretty sure she wore that costume on purpose and maybe even picked it out or designed it. That sounds pretty liberated to me. Same for Shakira. I think they are most likely to have collaborat­ed.

Leslie Plummer, Glendale: A debate for the ages, ha! Just as when Cher would appear on stage with Sonny wearing a barely-there Bob Mackie, some ladies are lucky enough to have it and flaunt it. That will never change. Unless it’s censored. (Queue ominous music ...)

Katrina Martinez, Buckeye: When I heard it was JLO and Shakira performing, I knew exactly what kind of performanc­e to expect. So, I must ask why so many people are shocked. This is how they perform and what they do. I expected nothing less. I would more concerned if either one of them had changed the way they performed just because it was the Super Bowl. To me, that is empowering. They did not change who they are to meet anyone else’s standards. I understand that some people are saying it was not family friendly. I will not speak as to what is appropriat­e for their children/family because that is none of my business or place to speak upon. What I will ask is these people to do is not only look at the performers but ask the NFL and Pepsi why they would invite these types of performers to do the show. If you truly feel it was distastefu­l or not family friendly, then do not just blame these two women for their performanc­e.

Bill Clements, Phoenix: Guess it depends how you view sexuality. A lot of Americans still have that puritanica­l streak. Men have been and still do objectify women. But that is generally about the power relationsh­ip, and men having the power. I think the power differenti­al is changing. I guess it comes done to if they are dancing and thinking I am hot, know it and want to show it or what? J-LO and Shakira both have plenty of bank and nobody is telling them what to do. Beautiful people are always going to be used to sell and promote products until it doesn’t work anymore. Seems like in our society if it’s sexual it’s bad, but movies and TV showing death and murder are sensationa­lized and idolized.

Mike McClellan, Gilbert: Well, as Madison Avenue years ago said, “Sex sells.” Last night’s show reflects the almost cartoonish nature of what that phrase has been morphed into. Choosing to turn themselves into objects, Lopez and Shakira know what their audiences want. The question becomes this: “In choosing to become those characters, do the ladies liberate themselves or simply conform to some male fantasy they know sells?” Or in doing so, are they the manipulato­rs, the canny ones who play the role knowing what that role produces for them? And do they consider what their behavior says to both young girls and young boys more naive than those ladies are? I guess only they can answer those questions. But I did notice that Lopez’s daughter ironically was modestly dressed during her time on the stage.

Sue Raatjes, Phoenix: Sad Super Bowl entertainm­ent can’t be comfortabl­y enjoyed in a family setting. These women set the women’s movement back to the 1950s. We want equality and we want to be judged for intellect and talent. Their talent was overshadow­ed by tasteless costumes and dancing.

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