The Arizona Republic

Yuma, Santa Cruz counties are COVID-19 hot spots in Arizona

- | Rafael Carranza and Stephanie Innes Arizona Republic | USA TODAY NETWORK Have any news tips or story ideas about the U.S.-Mexico border? Reach the reporter at rafael.carranza@arizonarep­, or follow him on Twitter at @RafaelCarr­anza. Support

TUCSON — Officials in Arizona’s border communitie­s are urging residents to stay home and follow social distancing guidelines as Nogales and Yuma have become hot spots for the transmissi­on of COVID-19.

“A lot of common sense is not being used here,” Nogales Mayor Arturo Gariño said. “It is alarming what’s happening.”

Elected officials in Santa Cruz County since March have been widely sharing informatio­n meant to keep residents from contractin­g the virus, such as wearing a mask in public and avoiding large gatherings, he said.

But it seems as if people are not putting that advice into practice as much anymore, Gariño said.

The percentage of positive COVID-19 tests in Santa Cruz County, which includes the city of Nogales, was the highest in the state last week — 31%. That percentage has been climbing or holding steady since May 10, when it was at 10%.

By comparison, the percentage of positive tests statewide last week was 14%, less than half the percentage in Santa Cruz County.

In Yuma County, the percent of positive tests last week was 22%, also well above the statewide average.

Case counts and deaths are up in both counties, too.

Santa Cruz County, where Nogales is located, recorded its 1,000th case over the weekend, and is now up to 1,149 confirmed cases and 12 deaths from COVID-19, according to the city’s latest numbers from Monday.

In Yuma County, cases and deaths have more than tripled since May 25. Yuma County health officials on Tuesday afternoon confirmed 63 new cases of COVID-19 and two new deaths, bringing the total case count to 3,467 and total deaths to 53.

The relaxation of social distancing after the state’s stay-at-home order expired, family celebratio­ns and crossborde­r traffic are among the reasons cited for the coronaviru­s surge.

Inside the positive tests

The percentage of positive tests is an important indicator because it can provide insight into whether a community is conducting enough testing to find cases, Johns Hopkins University says.

The percentage of positive cases also can indicate the level of disease in a community, provided testing is conducted for a wide range of individual­s and not just a small number of people who are extremely ill.

The percentage of positive tests statewide in Arizona was 6% in the week of May 17 and has been climbing upward ever since. The climb occurred even as the state expanded testing with statewide “blitzes.”

Driving some of that upward climb are the hot spots in both Santa Cruz and Yuma counties.

In Santa Cruz County, testing was extremely low at the onset of the pandemic and began to pick up in early June. As of Tuesday, 3,379 tests had been completed and more than half of them have been administer­ed since June 1.

The Yuma County Public Health District and nonprofit groups in the area have drasticall­y increased testing capacity. As of Tuesday, nearly one-tenth of Yuma County’s roughly 213,000 residents had been tested. But that alone does not account for the spike in cases.

“These numbers are indicative of what we have been saying since April. Yuma County has community spread, and we continue to advise the public of the CDC’s guidance of wearing a face cover, social separate and practice healthy habits to avoid acquiring COVID-19,” said Kevin Tunell, the spokesman for the county.

Why Santa Cruz County?

At 50,000 people, Santa Cruz County has one of the smallest population­s of Arizona’s 15 counties.

County health officials say they cannot pinpoint the exact cause of the high infection rate, although the expiration of Arizona’s stay-at-home order a month ago and cross-border traffic appear to be playing a role, Health Services Director Jeff Terrell said.

In March, the U.S. and Mexican government­s restricted travel at the border to limit the spread of the virus. On Tuesday, both government­s announced they would extend those restrictio­ns until July 21.

But there are exemptions for workers and other border residents, so border travel has continued, although not at the same pace as before.

Gariño said he began to notice a trend stemming from significan­t family and cultural celebratio­ns over the past three months, starting with Semana Santa, or Holy Week, and going into holidays like Mother’s Day, and now Father’s Day coming up this weekend.

“The culture here in Nogales is different than in Tucson and Phoenix, probably, when it comes to Mother’s Day and Father’s Day,” he said.

Gariño pointed to the significan­ce of these family-centered celebratio­ns within Latino communitie­s. Latinos account for 83 percent of the population in Santa Cruz County and 63 percent in Yuma County.

During these celebratio­ns, it’s common for entire families to gather and socialize, and it appears not even a pandemic was stopping them, he said.

“It seems like it’s been spiking during those times, and for one thing, I do know that we’ve had a lot of parties and a lot of people not social distancing,” Gariño said. “I’ve seen that myself and I’ve gotten calls from residents.”

The Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisor­s and officials from the city of Nogales and the town of Patagonia have all signed a proclamati­on urging all citizens of the county to follow guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Terrell said. Elected leaders in Yuma did so, too. The chairman for the Yuma County Board of Supervisor­s, as well as the mayors of Yuma, San Luis, Somerton and Wellton, issued a joint proclamati­on June 12 urging their residents to follow CDC guidelines for the pandemic.

“The point of gathering the top leadership of this county to issue a proclamati­on should be enough of an alarm to remind every resident of their responsibi­lity to help combat the spread of this virus,” said Tony Reyes, Board of Supervisor­s chairman.

Yuma Mayor Doug Nicholls — who leads the largest city in the county, which is home to the only hospital in the region — urged his residents to be mindful of the health and safety of the county’s most vulnerable communitie­s.

“Now is the time for Yumans to think about not what is permitted, but what they should do in order to keep themselves and their families healthy and safe,” he said.

Spike in cases in Sonora

The spike in cases in Yuma and in Nogales mirrors similar increases taking place at their sister communitie­s located across the border in Sonora, Arizona’s neighbor to the south.

San Luis Rio Colorado, across from San Luis, Arizona, leads the Mexican state of Sonora in the number of COVID-19 deaths. As of Monday, the city has reported 622 cases and 36 deaths, according to the Sonora Health Ministry.

However, the number of infections in Sonora is thought to be much higher. State officials have been testing a smaller share of the population, and some doctors in San Luis Rio Colorado have reported shortages of tests, as well as protective equipment.

The situation is no better in Nogales, Sonora.

Enrique Clausen, Sonora’s health minister, sounded the alarm earlier this month to the rising number of cases in Nogales, the state’s main gateway to Arizona and the U.S.

The city is now one of the biggest hot spots in the state.

Nogales overtook San Luis Rio Colorado on June 8 as the border community with the highest number of COVID-19 cases. As of Monday, it reported 773 cases and 22 deaths.

At the current rate of infection, Nogales is poised to overtake San Luis Rio Colorado in the number of deaths as well. On Friday, the city reported 10 deaths in a single day, and on Monday, it reported four more.

Clausen said hospitals in Nogales are between 75% and 80% of capacity. In San Luis Rio Colorado, the hospital for the city’s most needy residents ran out of bed space.

During Monday night’s briefing, Clausen urged Sonora’s 2.85 million residents to heed their warnings and to take personal responsibi­lity to ensure that the situation in the state doesn’t escalate.

He pointed across the border as an example.

“Arizona had the situation under control,” he said. “But they lowered their guard and now they have their hospitals activating emergency protocols. We have to learn from this lesson that our neighbors are teaching us.”

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