The Arizona Republic

Term of endearment repels

- – Cringing in the South

Dear Abby: My boyfriend and I are middle-aged. We have been together for 21⁄2 years. I love him, and I’m grateful for such a wonderful man at this point in my life. My problem is, he calls me “Sweet Baby” every single time he addresses me. (“Sweet Baby, what do you need help with?” “Sweet Baby, I am on my way.” “What did you say, Sweet Baby?”) Even when it comes to trying to be affectiona­te, he’ll say, “You’re my sweet baby, aren’t you?” He asks this over and over and over, and then says, “You’re my sweet baby.”

Abby, I could probably take it occasional­ly, but his continuous use of it now makes me cringe. I hate it! I have told him how much I’d prefer for him to use my name, but he won’t. He continues with the “Sweet Baby” in texts, calls, in person – constantly. I’m starting to wonder if he’s doing it deliberate­ly.

He, in turn, likes being called “Big Daddy,” but I won’t do it. He’s not my daddy, and I don’t care for pet names.

How can one little thing like that be so annoying, to the point that I’m beginning to avoid him and visit him less? It breaks my heart because we can have such a good time together, but he is ruining it. I’m trying not to end a wonderful relationsh­ip. I feel that by ignoring my request, he is being rude. Your advice?

Dear Cringing: Your boyfriend may be following a script he has written in his head. Has it occurred to you that “Sweet Baby” may be what he has called ALL the women in his life – which would make it less a term of endearment than rote recitation?

After two years of this, you should have made clear to him that “Sweet Baby” is not only not having the desired effect, but it’s making you cringe. While you are at it, tell him plainly that you have an aversion to pet names like “Big Daddy” because one daddy was enough for you, and you neither want nor need another one.

If you can’t communicat­e what you really feel, then indeed this romance isn’t going to last, so you might as well speak up.

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