The Arizona Republic



A collection of voices, tweets and posts from the week.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


I never spoke to Rep. Yoho before he decided to accost me on the steps of the nation’s Capitol yesterday. Believe it or not, I usually get along fine w/ my GOP colleagues. We know how to check our legislativ­e sparring at the committee door. But hey, “b*tches” get stuff done.

Newt Gingrich


Nearly every organizati­on of pediatrici­ans and children-oriented specialist­s have said it is vital for children to be back in school. However, to the teachers’ unions, the children don’t matter — power matters.

Carol Mitchell


It’s clear to me that #Portland, Oregon is in a constituti­onal crisis.

Nicholas Kristof


Yes! Portland journalist­s have swallowed clouds of tear gas every night for weeks, covering the protests with a local knowledge that outsiders simply lack. Local journalism lacks a good business model but is crucial for accountabi­lity and essential to the social fabric.

Andy Biggs


Everyone makes mistakes. But very few of us get to advise, create & execute policies that decimate millions of lives for months, which is what the draconian responses to COVID-19 have been. These aren’t your normal mistakes. These were fatal errors in judgement & common sense.


“Some presidents, when they get into trouble before an election, try to ‘wag the dog’ by starting a war abroad. Donald Trump seems ready to wag the dog by starting a war at home. Be afraid — he just might get his wish.”

— Thomas L. Friedman

The New York Times

“As in 2016, Donald Trump in 2020 and the political and economic factors afoot defy convention­al analysis. But they are similar enough to forecast a second Trump term.”

— Christian Whiton

Fox News

“This is an electrifie­d time in world history, and 2020 will be remembered and studied as a time of tremendous upheaval and positive rebellion.”

— Nicole Stamp


 ??  ?? Gingrich
 ??  ?? Ocasio-Cortez

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