The Arizona Republic

McSally and Schumer clash over COVID-19 relief benefits

- Reach the reporter on Twitter and Facebook or yvonne. wing ett@arizo na and 602-444-4712. Subscribe for free to The Gaggle political podcast on Apple Podcasts, Overcast, or wherever you listen to audio content. Yvonne Wingett Sanchez Arizon

Sen. Martha McSally clashed with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in dueling floor speeches Thursday after McSally called on her colleagues to extend federal unemployme­nt benefits for seven more days.

The extra $600 weekly supplement previously passed by Congress has technicall­y expired, because the benefits are paid on a weekly basis, not daily basis. The extra lifeline has helped tens of thousands of Arizonans help make ends meet as businesses have shuttered and workers have been furloughed.

McSally, R-Ariz., cast the proposal as a bridge until a broader package is negotiated by both parties. Her short-term proposal is separate from the longerterm GOP legislatio­n she signed onto with Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, that would extend, but lower, federal unemployme­nt benefits.

McSally, who faces election this year, asked senators to pass her legislatio­n by unanimous consent: “This is a reasonable proposal. Who could possibly be against this?”

Schumer, D-N.Y., promptly objected, saying her request “is clearly a stunt, a one-week fix can’t be implemente­d in time and the senator knows that. Plus, there are many other problems Arizonans have in addition to this one,” including the safe return to schools, potential evictions, and help for small businesses.

Schumer called on McSally to support Democrats’ Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act, or HEROES Act, projected to cost $3 trillion. The legislatio­n is much more expansive than Republican­s’ proposed $1 trillion package.

McSally said Schumer’s response was “a political stunt and a game” and illustrate­d Capitol Hill’s partisan gridlock.

“I asked the question who could possible be against this,” she said. “Well, we found out. It’s the senator from New York. So you can clip the tape or put his picture on your refrigerat­or when you open it up. Because it’s the minority leader who is against this on his path to try to become the majority leader.”

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