The Arizona Republic

Schweikert admits ethics violations, is fined $50,000

- Ronald J. Hansen

Rep. David Schweikert reached a deal announced Thursday to end a longstandi­ng House Ethics Committee investigat­ion by admitting to 11 rules violations, accepting a reprimand and agreeing to pay a $50,000 fine.

The committee found “substantia­l evidence” of violations by the fiveterm Arizona Republican stretching from 2010 into 2018 and faulted him for evasive, stalling tactics that helped him skirt more serious violations.

As it was, the violations the com

mittee did find include undisclose­d loans and campaign contributi­ons; misuse of campaign funds for personal purposes; improper spending by his office; and an environmen­t where office staffers were pressured to do political work.

The proposed deal caps an investigat­ion that has cast a shadow over Schweikert’s political career since late 2017, when allegation­s of misspendin­g first surfaced. The House of Representa­tives must adopt a resolution on the matter to make it final.

In a statement, Grace White, a spokeswoma­n for Schweikert, said he wanted to move ahead and didn’t address the substantiv­e issues in the probe.

“We are pleased the Committee has issued their report and we can move forward from this chapter. As noted in the review, all issues have been resolved and Congressma­n Schweikert will continue working hard for Arizona’s 6th District,” she said.

In his response to the Ethics Committee, Schweikert acknowledg­ed there were problems.

“I bear ultimate responsibi­lity for ensuring that my congressio­nal office and my campaign adhere to both the letter and spirit of the wide array of laws, rules, and regulation­s that govern our important work,” he told the committee.

But the committee found that Schweikert was less than forthcomin­g and cooperativ­e. His stonewalli­ng tactics could be sanctioned by themselves, but the delays may have helped avert more serious problems for Schweikert, the committee wrote.

“Throughout the course of this investigat­ion, Representa­tive Schweikert made vague or misleading statements to the (investigat­ive subcommitt­ee) and (the Office of Congressio­nal Ethics) that allowed him to evade the statute of limitation­s for the most egregious violations of campaign finance laws, his document production­s were slow or nonrespons­ive to several of the ISC’s requests for informatio­n regarding (Federal Election Commission) errors, and he gave self-serving testimony that lacked candor,” the report said.

“Efforts like the ones Representa­tive Schweikert undertook to delay and impede the ISC’s investigat­ion were not only highly detrimenta­l to the Committee’s work and reputation of the House, they were themselves sanctionab­le misconduct.”

The committee’s report said Schweikert’s violations were a troubling example to avoid for other members of the House.

“While all of the violations detailed above were concerning, the Committee was disturbed by the events described in counts three and four … in particular. Those counts detailed how Representa­tive Schweikert’s campaign committee falsely reported that he had loaned the campaign $100,000, when no such loan had been made, and then falsely reported making $100,000 in disburseme­nts, which served to adjust the campaign’s reported cash on hand that was propped up by the fictitious loan,” the report said.

“These errors were not only flagrant and egregious violations of campaign finance law, the falsely reported loan improperly inflated his campaign’s finances, thus making Representa­tive Schweikert’s campaign appear to meet its financial goals while depriving the public of accurate and transparen­t accounting of the true state of his campaign.”

For nearly two years, Schweikert publicly maintained the matter under investigat­ion was little more than a bookkeepin­g dispute.

After the separate Office of Congressio­nal Ethics, which helps screen potential cases for the Ethics Committee, revealed its investigat­ive findings against Schweikert’s longtime former chief of staff, Oliver Schwab, in June 2019, Schweikert political adviser Chris Baker shifted tone. He acknowledg­ed serious problems had existed and said Schweikert’s trust in Schwab “was grossly misplaced.”

Schweikert struggled before report

The report deals another blow to Schweikert, whose Scottsdale-based congressio­nal district is historical­ly safe ground for the GOP. But the Republican­leaning district is the kind of suburban, relatively well-educated location that has drifted toward Democrats, especially in the Trump era.

For Schweikert, a member of the taxwriting House Ways and Means Committee, the findings of misspendin­g hit directly at the heart of his political persona as a budget and finance expert.

It also comes as Schweikert has struggled to mount a financiall­y viable reelection campaign while Democrats have four candidates vying to challenge him in November.

One of them, Hiral Tipirneni, has $1 million more than Schweikert’s cashstrapp­ed campaign.

Entering July, only one House incumbent, Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, had a larger cash deficit than Schweikert would if Tipirneni wins Tuesday’s Democratic primary.

His Democratic challenger­s seized on the report to argue his tenure should end.

Anita Malik, who lost to Schweikert in 2018 and is again seeking the party’s nomination, emphasized the 11 violations in a tweet.

“Finally admitting guilt is not enough. (Schweikert) has brought shame on #AZ06. His self interest and self preservati­on is the worst of politics,” she wrote.

Tipirneni said Schweikert “has violated his oath, abused his power, lied and misled, and betrayed the public trust.”

“In using his taxpayer-funded congressio­nal office in service of himself instead of our district, he has put his own interests above those of his constituen­ts time and time again,” Tipirneni said in a written statement.

Karl Gentles said in a tweet the district has long known Schweikert’s “integrity and credibilit­y was questionab­le at best. Now his colleagues have formally reprimande­d him for his bad behavior. Voters must choose their next rep carefully, someone that will put #principles­overpoliti­cs and work for us not against us.”

Ethics case snowballed

The Office of Congressio­nal Ethics, which investigat­es potential cases and refers them to the Ethics Committee, began scrutinizi­ng Schweikert after the Washington Examiner published a story in November 2017 outlining spending problems involving Schwab.

That investigat­ion amassed a troubling paper trail, and, unlike OCE, the Ethics Committee has subpoena power and burrowed in even deeper.

In its 107-page report, the special subcommitt­ee that examined Schweikert’s case found that his “campaign funds were used to reimburse staff for expenditur­es made for his personal use, including babysittin­g services, meals, dry-cleaning, and travel.”

As the committee proceeded, Schweikert “delayed responding to its requests and his testimony was punctuated by dissemblin­g and incoherent statements.”

The probe pored over Schweikert’s personal, congressio­nal and campaign finances, unspooling a trail of confusing transactio­ns that effectivel­y masked a candidate relying on his chief of staff to keep his campaign afloat.

Schweikert’s campaign committee disclosed a loan from him that wasn’t made, and didn’t disclose a loan or loan payments worth $205,000 that were made, the committee wrote.

In 2010, when Schweikert made his third run for Congress, he and his wife obtained a $75,000 line of credit using rental properties they owned to secure the deal. For several years, Schweikert used the credit to help fund his campaigns but didn’t disclose the true nature of the money in his reports to the FEC.

He repaid the credit debt in full by 2015. While Schweikert created new campaign committees and turned to treasurers other than his wife, he didn’t report the original line of credit, the committee found.

Early in the 2012 campaign cycle, when Schweikert defeated then-Rep. Ben Quayle, R-Ariz., in a hotly contested GOP primary, Schweikert’s campaign reported a $100,000 loan from the candidate.

But he never made the loan. Schweikert told the committee he had been seeking another line of credit at the time.

“I had started the paperwork to do a credit line on the house, and in the chaos, maybe it just never got completed, and it [had] already been put down on the FECs. It should not have been done, it was a mistake,” Schweikert told the committee.

Even so, the loan wasn’t taken off the books, the committee found.

Instead, $100,000 was listed as paid out in four scattered amounts after the primary to a firm controlled by Schweikert’s campaign consultant, Chris Baker. The payments were supposed to cover the costs of mailings, but those mailings were never made, the committee wrote.

The reports said Baker notified Schweikert in 2012 that his company had not received those payments.

Schweikert told the committee the $100,000 payments were “misreporte­d,” but the committee “received no further explanatio­n why the fictional disburseme­nts were reported in the first place.”

A compliance firm that took over the campaign’s books after the 2012 elections never learned about the nonexisten­t loan or the transactio­ns that effectivel­y erased it from the campaign’s books, the report said.

In October 2013, Schweikert filed papers with the FEC saying the $100,000 he had loaned his campaign had been forgiven.

“If I was a better lawyer, but not having gone to law school, we probably should have done it a different way,” he told the committee. “But it still accomplish­es the same thing, it cleaned it up.”

Schweikert didn’t clear up the issue in more than a dozen FEC reports before closing the loan, and he didn’t mention it to investigat­ors for more than a year, the committee noted.

The committee said the fake loan suggested a more robust fundraisin­g operation than actually existed.

The financial problems that dogged his early runs for Congress have continued to this day.

In three of the four quarters during the past year, Schweikert’s campaign spent more than it took in, a telltale sign of distress. Schweikert’s campaign has spent heavily on legal fees throughout the investigat­ion, cutting into his ability to run for reelection.

Losing, winning, surviving

Schweikert’s up-and-down congressio­nal history includes debt-larded losses in 1994 and 2008 before he toppled former U.S. Rep. Harry Mitchell, DAriz., in the tea party-fueled wave election of 2010.

Schweikert could not rest on his laurels with that victory because the state’s political lines were redrawn beginning with the 2012 elections.

To remain in office under the redrawn district lines, Schweikert had to defeat fellow GOP freshman U.S. Rep. Ben Quayle, the son of former Vice President Dan Quayle, in a 2012 primary.

He won, but the victory came at a high price.

Campaign mailers raised questions of Quayle’s sexuality and a story in Politico citing unnamed sources said Quayle was among dozens of members of Congress who frolicked in the Sea of Galilee during a 2011 trip to Israel.

Schweikert maintained he had not impugned Quayle the way many interprete­d it, but to many Republican­s, he had crossed a line.

At the same time, Schweikert had also weakened the political hand of then-House Speaker John Boehner, ROhio, by voting against certain budget measures, among other acts of rebellion. After the 2012 elections, GOP leaders booted Schweikert and three other House Republican­s from their committees.

Schweikert, who lost a seat on the House Financial Services Committee, said at the time that the purge targeted “the more outspoken conservati­ves” and “there is retributio­n for voting your conscience now.”

Whatever the reason, Schweikert was back on that committee after the 2014 elections and promoted to the Ways and Means Committee after the 2016 elections.

By then, Schweikert was a member of the House Freedom Caucus, a group of activist conservati­ves who helped drive Boehner into retirement in 2015. Even so, Schweikert rarely bucked his party’s leaders and was seen as a bridge to the party’s often-unruly right flank.

A tougher road ahead

At the beginning of the Trump administra­tion, Schweikert reliably stuck with his party’s two signature legislativ­e efforts: the failed attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act and the successful passage of sweeping tax cuts that largely benefited corporatio­ns.

Even with the cloud of the ethics investigat­ion newly underway, Schweikert won a fifth term in 2018 by defeating Democrat Anita Malik by 10 percentage points. In three prior runs in the same district, Schweikert won by an average of 27 points.

 ??  ?? Rep. David Schweikert speaks during an Arizona Republican Party meeting at Church for the Nations in Phoenix on Jan. 25.
Rep. David Schweikert speaks during an Arizona Republican Party meeting at Church for the Nations in Phoenix on Jan. 25.

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