The Arizona Republic

Lawsuit filed against cartel over lethal ambush

- Rafael Carranza | | Have any news tips or story ideas about the U.S.-Mexico border? Reach the reporter at rafael.carranza@arizonare, or follow him on Twitter at @RafaelCarr­anza.

TUCSON – Relatives of nine U.S.Mexico dual citizens killed last year in an ambush about 70 miles south of the Arizona-Mexico border filed a civil lawsuit in U.S. federal court against the Juárez Cartel, accusing the criminal group of internatio­nal acts of terrorism.

Their lawsuit’s allegation­s shed new light on the November shooting, revealing both stunning new details about the alleged attackers and also documentin­g the survival of young children who escaped.

A cartel killer documented one of the shootings on video, the suit claims, in a recording that captures hitmen talking about how to finish the task.

The suit also describes how one child hid his siblings, then himself, fearing he was being followed as he went for help, and how another girl was rescued by following her distinctiv­e footprints — she had taken off one shoe to fight off a snake.

The lawsuit, believed to be the first of its type to be filed against a Mexican cartel in the United States, seeks compensati­on for the families under the U.S. Anti-Terrorism Act, which allows for any U.S. citizen to seek damages within the U.S. if they are victims of terrorism acts outside the country.

It lays the groundwork for a jury trial in the United States. But, it remains to be seen whether the Juárez Cartel will defend itself in court.

“This lawsuit, like other lawsuits brought against terrorist groups in the past, is directed at exposing the activities of the group, and exposing their responsibi­lity for these attacks, and then to hold them financiall­y accountabl­e for the actions that they’ve taken,” said Michael Elsner, the families’ attorney.

Elsner filed the lawsuit on July 23 in U.S. District Court in North Dakota on behalf of multiple family members, including some of the eight injured children that survived the deadly ambush on Nov. 4, 2019. Three women and six children, all dual U.S.-Mexico citizens, died in the attack.

The family members named in the lawsuit live on both sides of the border. Many of them live in North Dakota, which is why the lawsuit was filed there, while others live in other U.S. states, including Arizona.

A few relatives still reside in Mexico, although many of the families opted to leave and move to the U.S. following the attack.

Howard Miller, the husband of Rhonita Miller, 30, one of the three women killed, is listed as a leading plaintiff in the lawsuit. The lawsuit refers to her as Maria Rhonita LeBaron. Howard Miller is also the father to four slain children: Howard, 12, Krystal, 10, and 8-monthold twins Titus and Tiana.

Miller’s three surviving children, from ages 2 to 9, are also named in the lawsuit, as are Rhonita’s parents and ten of her siblings.

The lawsuit also names Tyler Johnson as a leading plaintiff in the case. He was married to Christina Langford, 32, another of the three women killed.

Their five surviving children are also named, including Faith, who was 7 months old at the time and was found alive inside the bullet-riddled vehicle her mother was driving. Christina’s mother and four siblings are also listed as plaintiffs.

“My beautiful daughter Christina was murdered by those without regard for life, even those of women and children. She exited her vehicle, with the intent to protect her infant daughter and was shot through the heart,” said Amelia Sedgwick, Christina’s mother, who lives in Mexico.

“The gunmen didn’t seem to care that they were shooting at a woman, as they could see clear enough to make that shot. I’m bringing this lawsuit not just on behalf of my family, but for the hundreds of thousands of other victims of cartel violence,” she said in a statement.

The third woman killed in the ambush was Dawna Langford, 43, along with two of her children: Trevor, 11, and Rogan 2. The lawsuit refers to her as Dawna Ray. It names her mother, Karen Woolley, and six of Dawna’s siblings as plaintiffs.

“The barbaric attack on our family, unfortunat­ely, is one, among many, that happen every day in Mexico, I promised my father on his deathbed that I would pursue justice for our family and I would shine a light on these horrific injustices. This lawsuit is a step towards fulfilling that promise,” Woolley said.

Rhonita, Christina and Dawna were traveling in a caravan on Nov. 4, 2019, with 14 of their children from their home in La Mora, Sonora, to Phoenix and to Colonia LeBaron in Chihuahua. La Mora and LeBaron are communitie­s founded by fundamenta­list offshoots of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in northern Mexico.

Suit offers new details on ambush

The lawsuit provided greater details about the two attacks on the three women and their children, including informatio­n about the suspected gunmen, members of La Línea, the armed wing of

A tow truck lifts a burned van on Nov. 6, 2019, after several members of the LeBaron family were killed in Mexico.

the Juárez Cartel, who are listed as defendants.

Some of the new informatio­n comes from witness accounts by Juárez Cartel members collaborat­ing with investigat­ors, news stories and informatio­n the Mexican government collected as part of their ongoing criminal investigat­ion.

The complaint claims more than 100 members of La Línea deployed the day before the ambush to areas along the Sonora-Chihuahua state line, disputed territory between the Juárez and Sinaloa cartels. Sixty deployed to the border city of Agua Prieta, across from Douglas, Arizona, to gain control of the city, leading to deadly shootouts over several days.

Another 40 members armed with AK-47’s and AR-15’s positioned themselves in two hit teams perched over the mountains above the unpaved road that the three women were driving the morning of Nov. 4, 2019, according to the lawsuit.

Christina’s white Chevy Suburban led the caravan. She was traveling with her 7-month-old daughter Faith to meet with her husband Taylor Johnson and their othchildre­n in Colonia Lebaron. They were preparing to make a permanent move from Mexico to North Dakota.

Dawna and nine of her children followed Christina in their white Chevy Suburban. They were also on their way to Colonia LeBaron, the complaint said, for a family wedding scheduled later that week, which was canceled after the attack.

In the third vehicle, a black Chevy Suburban, Rhonita and four of her children were traveling to Phoenix to pick up her husband Howard at the airport.

“Howard had finished a month of work at the old fields of North Dakota and was traveling to Arizona to reunite with his wife and children. They planned to return to La Mora after spending a few days together shopping and enjoying Phoenix,” the complaint read.

One of the wheel bearings on Rhonita’s vehicle failed, and, with no cell reception in the area, Dawna offered to drive her back to La Mora, while Christina continued ahead since they had taken this road many times before.

Back in La Mora, Rhonita borrowed her mother-in-law’s white Chevy Suburban and took off once again, stopping at the broken-down vehicle to pick up her bags, then continue on to catch up to Christina and Dawna’s vehicles.

During that time, La Línea members were observing all three vehicles, the complaint said.

The first hit team opened fire on Rhonita’s vehicle, while around the same time, the second hit team opened fire on Christina and Dawna, about 9 miles up the mountain road.

The lawsuit said the gunmen videotaped their attack on Rhonita’s SUV.

“On the video, cartel members are seen approachin­g the vehicle. One of the sicarios stated, ‘they’re going to finish it off dude .... ’ ‘They’re still there .... ’ Another voice states ‘shoot him, don’t trust...’, ‘burn it .... ’ ” according to the complaint, citing a report from Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office. “Near the end of the recording, in the background, a sicario says ‘it’s in ruins now.’”

Up the road, as bullets began raining down on Christina’s vehicle, she exited with her hands up to show she was unarmed. But snipers shot her in the chest, killing her. Bullets pierced her car but didn’t injure her 7-month-old daughter.

As Dawna approached with her nine children, approximat­ely fifteen gunmen fired into her vehicle. She told her children to get down before bullets struck her and killed her and two of her children, Trevor and Rogan. Gunmen struck Dawna 13 times, including two shots to her head, according to the complaint.

Investigat­ors found over 200 shell casings at the site of the second attack.

The six surviving Langford children described the gunmen as wearing masks. Before driving off, they ordered the children to get out of the vehicle and get on the ground, the complaint said.

Devin, 13, who was not injured in the shooting, walked nearly 14 miles to La Mora to inform his family about what happened, leaving his six siblings hiding in a bush while he went for help.

At around the same time, Andre Miller, Rhonita’s brother in law, drove up to her black SUV with the tire problem in order to tow it back to La Mora. He noticed smoke up ahead and heard an explosion a few minutes later, the complaint said. He decided to inspect it, fearing it might be his sister in law.

“At the scene, the fire engulfed the Suburban but Andre recognized the license plate as his mother’s. Andre further saw bullet shells on the ground, and that the vehicle was full of bullet holes,” the complaint read. “Because the fire was so intense, and because the front passenger-side door was open, Andre could not tell if Rhonita and kids were inside or had been kidnapped.”

Andre also saw three people dressed in black and wearing helmets on the opposite side of the road, according to the complaint. He unhooked the trailer from his car and drove back to La Mora, where family members called Mexican authoritie­s for help, even though the cell towers were down.

As news of the ambush quickly reached relatives on both sides of the border, Rhonita’s family in La Mora found Devin walking on the highway. They immediatel­y began searching for his six siblings.

Meanwhile, across the state line, in Chihuahua, Mexican authoritie­s blocked family members there from driving up to the ambush sites citing ongoing fighting between the Sinaloa and Juárez cartels. After several hours they reluctantl­y allowed them to proceed after learning that several children were alive and in hiding.

When they reached Christina and Dawna’s vehicles, they found their bodies, as well as two of the children. They also found seven-month-old Faith alive, but extremely dehydrated.

“She had just spent the past ten hours alone, strapped to her car seat. She was soaked in urine and in shock. Plaintiff Shalom Tucker, Rhonita’s mother, comforted her, gave her fluids and attempted to improve her condition,” according to the court records.

They also found five of the children but discovered that a sixth, a 9-year-old girl, had gone off in search for help after Devin had not returned. Rhonita’s father in law, Kenny Miller, located the child after tracking her footprints, “as she was missing a shoe, which she removed during the walk to fend off a snake,” the complaint said.

Several of the surviving children injured in the attacks were transporte­d by road to the Arizona-Mexico border and then airlifted to a children’s hospital in Tucson.

Over the course of the next few days, relatives from all over the United States and Mexico gathered in La Mora and Colonia LeBaron for the funeral services.

On Nov. 7, family members in La Mora buried Dawna and her two sons killed in the ambush. Two of Dawna’s children injured in the attacks were released from the hospital in Tucson in time to attend the funeral.

Later that same day, Howard Miller and his family buried Rhonita and their four children. Their remains had been incinerate­d in the car explosion that Andre had witnessed. On Nov. 9, Christina’s family laid her to rest in Colonia LeBaron.

‘We will no longer be silent’


Nearly nine months later, the Mexican government continues to investigat­e the deadly ambush. But violence has continued along the disputed cartel territory at the Sonora-Chihuahua state line.

To date, the Mexican government has arrested nine members of La Línea and the Juárez Cartel suspected of participat­ing on the two attacks against the Langford and LeBaron families near La Mora, according to the complaint.

The lawsuit noted two of the members had fled to the United States after the attacks but were arrested and deported to Mexico.

The LeBaron family in Chihuahua has been outspoken in the case, levying criticism against Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, whom they’ve met on several instances, as well as his administra­tion.

They accuse him of moving too slowly in the investigat­ion, noting that despite their arrests, none of the nine people have been charged for the murders of the three women and six children killed in the ambush.

“My family and I have been victimized by the cartel’s heinous behavior for far too long — my nephew was murdered in 2009 by the Cartel — in furtheranc­e of their efforts to instill fear and silence the innocent,” Rhonita’s father, Adrian LeBaron, said in a statement.

“We will no longer be silent victims. We will leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of justice for the murder of my daughter and grandchild­ren,” he added.

The Mexican government said early on the ambush was a case of mistaken identity in the turf battle between the Juárez and the Sinaloa Cartel.

But the family members have long disputed that account, saying gunmen knew clearly they were intentiona­lly shooting at innocent, unarmed women and children that morning.

“The position of Christina’s body indicates assailants shot her after she had moved away from the vehicle and was waving her arms in the air. Dawna arrived at the scene after Christina had been shot and she too attempted to leave her vehicle. Thus, the attackers knew they were shooting at women and children,” the complaint read.

The lawsuit filed in North Dakota describes seven claims for relief for the families against the Juárez Cartel: internatio­nal acts of terrorism, assault and battery, wrongful death, negligent and/ or intentiona­l infliction of emotional distress, survival action, loss of consortium, as well as punitive damages. It asks for compensati­on, in amounts to be determined at trial.

Elsner, the families’ attorney, said they have been working since the start of the year to conduct investigat­ions on both sides of the border to prepare and file the lawsuit and to prove in court the cartel’s responsibi­lity in the attacks.

The next step in the process is to serve the complaint. There are still questions about how that will happen since it involves a transnatio­nal criminal organizati­on based in Mexico.

Elsner said they may need assistance from the court to do that, but that they are in the process of looking into several ways to serve the lawsuit.

“The attacks that the Juárez Cartel allegedly took against these families is horrific and they’re worthy of justice, and we’re happy to be able to fight for them,” he said.

Elsner, an attorney with the South Carolina-based firm Motley Rice, has an expansive history of prosecutin­g cases with internatio­nal implicatio­ns.

In the past, he represente­d victims of Hamas suicide bombings in a lawsuit filed against a Jordanian bank found to have provided financial support to the terrorist group.

He also represente­d U.S. citizens in the litigation brought against Libya for the 1988 bombing of the Pan-Am flight over Scotland, which resulted in a settlement, among other cases.

 ?? NICK OZA/THE REPUBLIC ?? David Langford and family members console each other during the funeral for his wife, Dawna Ray Langford, and their children, Trevor, 11, and Rogan, 2, who were ambushed by cartel gunmen near Rancho La Mora, Mexico.
NICK OZA/THE REPUBLIC David Langford and family members console each other during the funeral for his wife, Dawna Ray Langford, and their children, Trevor, 11, and Rogan, 2, who were ambushed by cartel gunmen near Rancho La Mora, Mexico.
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