The Arizona Republic

Airline workers call on McSally to extend payroll aid

- Melissa Yeager You can connect with Arizona Republic Consumer Travel Reporter Melissa Yeager through email at melissa.yeag You can also follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

With eight days left until the federal program designed to protect their jobs expires, more than a dozen airline workers circled outside Sen. Martha McSally’s Phoenix office Tuesday morning, their signs sending a clear message: Extend the Payroll Support Program.

The program, approved by Congress as part of the CARES Act in response to the new coronaviru­s pandemic, provided $32 billion in payroll support for the pay and benefits of aviation workers. The program expires Sept. 30.

That means on Oct. 1, that assistance stops. American Airlines has said more than 1,300 employees in Phoenix will lose their jobs without an extension of the act.

“We’re asking people to support the Payroll Support Program, you know, call your senators. Call your congressio­nal members,” said Katie Collopy, a Phoenix-based flight attendant with United Airlines.

Why should Congress extend the Payroll Support Program?

The program has helped keep thousands of aviation workers paid and insured during the COVID-19 health crisis. Airline workers say it has the added benefit of keeping the trained workforce ready to go back to work once travelers feel confident to fly again.

“We’re not an industry where the day things get better or start to get better we can just call up on the phone and go right back. We all go through training. Flight attendants will have to be retrained,” said Collopy.

In addition, though fewer passengers are flying, workers say most airlines transport a lot of cargo and the program helps keep planes flying those routes, especially to smaller cities.

“I don’t know if a lot of people know this, but we carry the U.S. mail in the bellies of our aircraft and that obviously means medication for our elderly and our veterans and it serves the small communitie­s,” said Collopy.

With the drop in passengers, United Airlines pilot David Spelger said most of his flights have been internatio­nal cargo flights to China transporti­ng personal protective equipment and other items to the United States.

They say furloughin­g highly skilled and trained employees is penny wise but pound foolish, as it requires added time and expense to bring them back.

“I think the biggest problem is the training costs,” said Spelger, a 25-year veteran. “If they find a vaccine and they need to get people back to work, we have 4 to 6 weeks of training to get back into an aircraft.”

Where Arizona’s senators stand

Both Arizona senators have expressed strong support for extending the program. Sen. Martha McSally and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema have sent letters to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer urging Congress to act.

Phoenix airline workers said they chose to rally outside McSally’s office because of her position as a Republican who could pressure McConnell to bring it to a vote.

“What we need from her more than anything right now is to urge Leader McConnell to get this done,” said Jay Burwell, a United Airlines flight attendant.

McSally has expressed to McConnell the need to extend the program. In a statement to The Republic, she said the travel industry “has been hit hard by this first-in-a-century pandemic” and noted that the industry supports “more than 470,000 jobs and adds $38 billion to the economy” in Arizona.

“In March, I supported the CARES Act which created the payroll support program. This program provided $32 billion in relief funds to airlines so they could keep their employees on the payroll. In August, I advocated to Leader McConnell to extend the program in order to keep hundreds of thousands of Arizonans employed until we can defeat this virus and return safely to our lives,” McSally said.

She also noted that she has proposed the TRIP Act, which “would provide tax credits for travel expenses and encourage Americans to travel domestical­ly when it is safe to do so.”

Sinema’s office said she also supports aid to airline employees. Spokespers­on Hannah Hurley pointed out Sinema’s signature on a Sept. 17 letter urging Senate leaders to take swift action ahead of the Oct. 1 expiration.

 ?? MELISSA YEAGER/THE REPUBLIC ?? Airline workers rally outside Sen. Martha McSally’s Phoenix office to call for an extension of the federal Payroll Support Program.
MELISSA YEAGER/THE REPUBLIC Airline workers rally outside Sen. Martha McSally’s Phoenix office to call for an extension of the federal Payroll Support Program.

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