The Arizona Republic

House passes stopgap funding bill to sidestep government shutdown

- Andrew Taylor

WASHINGTON – In a sweeping bipartisan vote that takes a government shutdown off the table, the House passed a temporary government-wide funding bill Tuesday night, shortly after President Donald Trump prevailed in a behind-the-scenes fight over his farm bailout.

The stopgap measure will keep federal agencies running into December, giving lame-duck lawmakers time to digest the election and decide whether to pass the annual government funding bills by then or kick them to the next administra­tion. The budget year ends Sept. 30.

The 359-57 vote came after considerab­le behind-the-scenes battling over proposed add-ons. The final agreement gives the administra­tion continued immediate authority to dole out Agricultur­e Department subsidies in the run-up to Election Day. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, retreated from an initial draft that sparked a furor with Republican­s and farm-state Democrats.

Instead, in talks Tuesday, Pelosi restored a farm aid funding patch sought by the administra­tion, which has sparked the ire of Democrats who said it plays political favorites as it gives out bailout money to farmers and ranchers.

In return, Pelosi won COVID-related food aid for the poor, including a higher food benefit for families whose children are unable to receive free or reduced lunches because schools are closed over the coronaviru­s. Another add-on would permit states to remove hurdles to food stamps and nutrition aid to low-income mothers that are more difficult to clear during the pandemic.

The deal permitted the measure to speed through the House after a swift debate that should ensure smooth sailing in the GOP-held Senate before next Wednesday’s deadline. There’s no appetite on either side for a government shutdown.

On Monday, Democrats released a version of the stopgap measure that did not contain the farm bailout provision, enraging Republican­s and putting passage of the measure in doubt. It became apparent that Pelosi did not have the votes to pass it – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, dismissed it as a “rough draft” — and negotiatio­ns continued.

Democrats complain that the Trump administra­tion has favored southern states such as Georgia — a key swing state and home of Agricultur­e Secretary Sonny Perdue — and larger producers in distributi­ng bailout funds. Farmers are suffering from low commodity prices and the effects of higher tariffs imposed by Trump. The president announced a new $13 billion allotment of bailout funding at a political rally in Wisconsin last week.

“The Trump Administra­tion has proven they cannot be trusted to distribute payments fairly,” said Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow, top Democrat on the Agricultur­e Committee. She added that the Agricultur­e Department doesn’t need the authority to meet farm bill obligation­s and will get the money in November anyway. But other Democrats, including endangered House incumbents in states like Iowa and Minnesota, pressed for the farm aid.

“Now is not the time to be playing politics with aid to farmers or the assistance needed to save our families and local economies from economic disaster,” said freshman Rep. Abby Finkenauer, D-Iowa.

The measure is the bare minimum accomplish­ment for Capitol Hill’s powerful Appropriat­ions committees, who pride themselves on their deal-making abilities despite gridlock in other corners of Congress. It came after bipartisan negotiatio­ns on a huge COVID-19 relief package imploded and appear unlikely to be rekindled — especially since the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has upended U.S. politics.

“We need to keep the government open but we also need additional COVID relief for the American people,” said Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DFlorida.

The legislatio­n — called a continuing resolution, or CR, in Washington-speak — would keep every federal agency running at current funding levels through Dec. 11, which will keep the government afloat past an election that could reshuffle Washington’s balance of power.

The measure also extends many programs whose funding or authorizat­ions lapse on Sept. 30.

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