The Arizona Republic

Muting mics absurd; Thanks, Mr. Trump

- Bill Goodykoont­z Reach Goodykoont­z at bill.goody koontz@arizonarep­ Facebook:­m. Twitter: @goodyk. Subscribe to What are you waiting for?

It’s absolutely ridiculous that the Commission on Presidenti­al Debates has to come up with a plan to mute the microphone­s of President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden during Thursday’s debate.

Thanks to Trump’s absurd behavior during the first debate, it’s also absolutely necessary.

What a world. Measures like this are a sad necessity for the debate, in the same way naps are a necessity for preschool — you couldn’t get through them any other way.

It’s not a full-on muting throughout, though it would be better if it were. Instead, the plan is to mute the microphone of one candidate while the other gives two-minute opening statements for each of the six debate topics.

Partial mic muting can’t ensure ‘civil discourse’

Beyond that? NBC’s Kristen Welker will have to try to keep the debate from devolving into the free-for-all the first debate turned into.

Thoughts and prayers,

Thoughts and prayers.

“During the times dedicated for open discussion, it is the hope of the Commission that the candidates will be respectful of each other’s time, which will advance civil discourse for the benefit of the viewing public,” the Commission said in a statement.

Please. Civil discourse? That’s hilarious. Did anyone on the Commission even see the first debate?

In case you missed it — it sounds like the Commission did — the first debate was, in the words of CNN’s Jake Tapper, “a hot mess inside a dumpster fire inside a train wreck.”

Trump constantly interrupte­d Biden when it was his turn to talk. When mod

Kristen. erator Chris Wallace of Fox News — normally a pretty take-charge interviewe­r, though that’s a different skill set than trying to wrangle Trump in a live setting — tried to intervene, Trump talked over him, too.

Yes, Biden interrupte­d occasional­ly, and he told Trump to “just shut up, man.” But to anyone who watched, it was clearly a defensive maneuver. Biden couldn’t get a word in edgewise otherwise.

Still, this new debate rule is better than nothing

There are reports that Trump’s advisers have encouraged him to put up a kinder, gentler front Thursday night. It’s a good enough idea in theory. In actual practice, he’s rarely been able to contain himself in these situations.

While the Commission’s latest move may not go far enough, at least it creates a somewhat more level playing field. Giving Welker the ability to mute microphone­s when she sees fit, while an interestin­g idea in theory, opens her up to claims of bias from each candidate — and since the Trump camp is already claiming bias on the part of just about everyone already, it’s better to simply mute them both equally.

Maybe. Part of the problem with evaluating the first debate and moving toward another is pretending that the blame falls equally on each candidate. It does not. If the first debate had been a third grade class, any teacher in the world would have sent him to the corner for a timeout.

So that’s basically what we’re getting here — a timeout. It’s not perfect. But it’s a lot better than nothing.


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