The Arizona Republic

Republican­s need to regroup, eye 2022 elections

- Your Turn Jeff Brown Guest columnist Jeff Brown is a member of the Queen Creek Town Council. Reach him at

The 2020 election should be a wakeup call for Arizona Republican­s.

For the first time in almost 25 years, a Democratic presidenti­al nominee won our state’s electoral votes. For the first time in almost 70 years, both of our U.S. senators are Democrats.

Given these results, it is clear that the party needs to regroup and refocus their efforts on winning future elections. Unfortunat­ely, however, some Republican­s are still fighting the last election.

Right now, there is a lot of rhetoric from Republican­s nationwide and in Arizona about how the election was “rigged” or “stolen.” Though the facts say otherwise, some people are claiming massive voter fraud took place across the country. Some Republican­s are even attempting to overturn the results of the election through litigation or by sending different electors to the Electoral College.

Some of our leaders, like Governor Doug Ducey and Attorney General Mark Brnovich, are right to avoid this kind of rhetoric and uphold our election integrity. Other Republican­s across the state should follow their lead.

This election, there was a lot worth celebratin­g. According to the Election Infrastruc­ture Government Coordinati­ng Council, this election was “the most secure in American history.” Even in the middle of an unpreceden­ted pandemic, a record high number of voters participat­ed. Their votes were counted fairly, and their voices heard.

For members of the party to claim otherwise not only diminishes this incredible achievemen­t, but it has a real effect on the voters. According to a Reuters poll taken around mid-November, 68% of Republican voters have concerns that the election was rigged. The poll also found that barely half of all voters believe the election was “legitimate and accurate.”

This is deeply troubling. If we tell our voters that they can’t trust our election system, they could very well stay home in the next election.

Republican­s can’t afford that in Arizona.

Right now, traditiona­lly Republican areas across our state, particular­ly Maricopa County, are rapidly trending to the Democrats. In 2012, Mitt Romney won Maricopa by about 12%. Just four years later, Donald Trump won the county by just 3%. This year, President Trump lost Maricopa by at least 2%. Considerin­g Maricopa County is home to over 60% of our state’s residents, this leftward trend could spell long-term trouble for Arizona Republican­s.

What’s driving this is our state’s explosive population growth. In just 10 years, Arizona gained about 900,000 residents. As someone who works in real estate, I see firsthand this incredible growth and developmen­t in our state every day. This is exciting for the future of our state’s economy, but it also creates a new challenge for Republican­s.

To be successful, Republican­s need to reach out to the new people in their communitie­s and understand their perspectiv­es. They need to show them how conservati­ve solutions will help improve their lives, raise their families, and run their businesses better than what Democrats propose.

\What we don’t need to do is attack the foundation­s of democracy.

It may not seem like it, but the 2022 midterms are not that far off, and there’s a lot at stake. Mark Kelly will be back on the ballot, as will the governorsh­ip, seats in the Legislatur­e and local races. Arizona Republican­s need to focus all of their efforts on organizing, registerin­g new voters, and getting people to the polls in two years.

However, if the party continues to needlessly fight about the last election, they may end up losing even more ground in the next one.

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