The Arizona Republic

Order sought to close gym

- Ryan Randazzo

Arizona health officials are seeking a court order to close a Scottsdale gym where the owner refuses to comply with the governor’s COVID-19 rules.

Arizona health officials are seeking a court order to close Self Made Training Facility, a Scottsdale gym where the owner refuses to comply with the governor’s COVID-19 rules because he doesn’t agree with them.

After the gym’s months of defiance and dozens of citations by Scottsdale police for not closing when gyms and bars were ordered to do so by the governor, and then not agreeing to health guidelines to reopen such as requiring patrons to wear masks, the Arizona Department of Health Services filed a complaint on Tuesday in Maricopa County Superior Court.

The complaint seeks a temporary restrainin­g order and an injunction forcing the gym to either abide by the state’s guidelines or close, and to pay for the state’s legal fees from the case.

Closing the gym “will undoubtedl­y save lives and protect the health and welfare of all Arizonans,” said the complaint filed by attorneys from Sherman & Howard on behalf of the health department.

Complaint: Gyms encourage virus spread in 20-44 age range

The complaint asserts that gyms are frequently visited by people in the 20-44 age range that is seeing sub

stantial spread of COVID-19, and that gyms pose a unique risk because people breathe heavily when exercising and can spread the respirator­y virus in crowded, indoor fitness centers.

Younger people are less at risk of complicati­ons from COVID-19, but the court complaint says gyms are a risk because if patrons get infected it results in “increasing community spread to our most vulnerable Arizonans, and generally placing the public at risk.”

Owner Jeffrey Mahaffey has defied the governor’s orders for months, telling reporters over the summer that he would not comply with the order that had closed gyms in Maricopa County from late June to late August.

When gyms were allowed to reopen in August, Mahaffey never filled out the paperwork that the Department of Health Services required to reopen, according to the department’s complaint.

The unsigned paperwork was an attestatio­n that the business would follow the gym-specific guidelines for reopening. Bars that serve food had their own attestatio­ns to sign to reopen.

Health officials ordered gym to close last week; owner ignored it

Last week, health officials posted a closure notice in the gym’s window that Mahaffey said he simply tore down.

Health officials said they have issued 12 closure orders since gyms and bars were allowed to partially reopen in late August. The other 11 businesses all complied and closed when ordered. Some have reopened after agreeing to health protocols aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19. Self Made is the only one that has defied a closure order, according to the department.

Violating an emergency executive order is a class 1 misdemeano­r, which carries the potential of six months imprisonme­nt and a $2,500 fine. Mahaffey’s more than 30 citations could potentiall­y bring tens of thousands in fines and add up to years of imprisonme­nt if he were found guilty on each count.

Mahaffey declined to comment Tuesday on the state’s latest action.

In a police report from July 1, which was included with the court complaint, Mahaffey is quoted telling a Scottsdale officer the gym is his source of income.

“He informed me that he had closed for a month during the last shutdown and he had lost approximat­ely $50,000,” the officer’s report said. “He stated that he has a family to support and will not be closing his business.”

Lawmaker: ‘This is not how the government should treat businesses’

State Sen. Michelle Ugenti-Rita, R-Scottsdale, said the state’s efforts to close businesses is “un-American.”

“This is not how the government should treat businesses and hardworkin­g Arizonans,” she said Tuesday evening regarding the state’s court complaint. “I do not like that the governor is deliberate­ly trying to shut down businesses.”

She said she does not know the gym owner, but that limiting anyone’s ability to earn a living is “dehumanizi­ng” to the individual.

“This is the wrong approach,” she said. “In the United States, we have freedom to take care of ourselves and to pursue not only our happiness, but to pursue our way of life and make sure that we can make a living so we can take care of ourselves and our family.”

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