The Arizona Republic

Trump dug his movement’s grave when followers rioted

- Phil Boas Columnist Phil Boas is editorial page editor of The Arizona Republic. He can be reached at phil.boas@arizonarep­

And that was that.

The American Demagogue is dead. Donald Trump went out in one final act, one spectacula­r ball of burning gas.

Trumpism died when its supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol with their fake patriotism for their false prophet.

They defiled the temple of American government, the U.S. Capitol, and offended the sensibilit­ies of just about every American who isn’t drunk with Trump worship.

Democrats were appalled, but so too were many, many conservati­ves, including those who have supported Trump these last four years. To understand the implicatio­ns of what Wednesday meant, listen to the conservati­ves:

“Order will be restored, but not before the stench of disgrace has attached itself to President Trump for his part in this shameful day,” wrote Scott Johnson of the influentia­l, conservati­ve Powerline blog.

His cohort John Hinderaker wrote, “The sad reality is that our president has gone off the rails. The best thing he can do from now until January 20 is nothing. No speeches, no tweets. Fights over election integrity are critically important and will continue for years to come, but for now, Trump’s irrational­ity is making those fights harder to win, not easier. Mr. President: Give it up. Please.”

Trump engineered this day of disgrace by recruiting more than 100 Republican members of Congress and a dozen GOP senators to try to overturn the electoral votes in battlegrou­nd states that had legally and properly delivered the presidency to Joe Biden.

The president tried to muscle his vice president, Mike Pence, to use bogus authority to reverse electoral votes.

“I hope Mike Pence comes through for us, I have to tell you,” Trump told supporters at a rally on Monday. “...He’s a great guy. If he doesn’t come through, I won’t like him quite as much.”

When Pence tactfully told the president he would not do his bidding, Trump set him up to take the fall for his election defeat:

“Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constituti­on,” he wrote on Twitter.

Trump stoked Wednesday’s insurrecti­on when he urged his supporters to come to Washington the day Congress was to certify the election. Then he put out this ominous warning to lawmakers:

“I hope the Democrats, and even more importantl­y, the weak and ineffectiv­e RINO section of the Republican Party, are looking at the thousands of people pouring into D.C. They won’t stand for a landslide election victory to be stolen.”

Trump self-destructed this week because our democratic system would not buckle to his ploy to reverse the election.

All across this country, Democrat and Republican election officials defended the integrity of the system and certified their results. Judges of both parties rebuffed nearly 60 specious Trump legal challenges.

And three Trump-appointed Supreme Court justices joined their colleagues in batting back a Trump-inspired bid to try to reverse the outcomes in four battlegrou­nd states.

A month ago, Senate President Mitch McConnell signaled that Trump could play out the legal process, but then it would be over. It was a shot across Trump’s bow. Finally McConnell congratula­ted Biden on his victory.

And in Georgia, the Republican secretary of state stopped and exposed Trump’s effort to badger and threaten him to “find” enough votes for him to win Georgia.

American democracy passed its stress test.

A bad man who could not live with that reality created a violent reaction. And now he will pay a price.

Trump will go down in history as one of our worst presidents because of his personal failures and his violations of American norms. He will become the model for infamous behavior, an electrifie­d third rail we must never touch again.

Principled conservati­ves will have to clean up the Republican Party, but they are likely to spend a long winter in the cold before Americans are willing to trust a Republican in the White House. That will only come when they convince their fellow citizens that the nation’s conservati­ves have repudiated Trump.

That is the price of turning your keys over to a man bereft of character and decency, who has a long history of cutting corners and bullying his opponents.

That’s the price of forgetting your own principles.

 ?? JACQUELYN MARTIN, AP ?? With the White House in the background, President Donald Trump speaks at a rally Wednesday in Washington.
JACQUELYN MARTIN, AP With the White House in the background, President Donald Trump speaks at a rally Wednesday in Washington.
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