The Arizona Republic

Sinema is wrong about the filibuster

- Robert Robb Reach Robb at robert.robb@arizona

Kyrsten Sinema has made bipartisan­ship her calling card. Virtually every press release she sends out describes whatever action to which she is calling attention as “bipartisan.” The word is frequently used multiple times.

She recently took a tough position, and heat, that strongly buttressed her professed commitment. She became the second Democratic senator, after West Virginia’s Joe Manchin, to publicly proclaim that she wouldn’t vote to eliminate the virtual filibuster. That gave House Minority Leader Mitch McConnell the reassuranc­e necessary to agree to rules governing the operation of an evenly divided Senate, thus giving Democrats the reins.

While Sinema deserves a lot of credit for taking the political heat for her timely public proclamati­on, she is wrong that the virtual filibuster promotes bipartisan­ship. And she is likely to face a second, more concrete test, if Democrats follow through on plans to grossly misuse the budget reconcilia­tion process to evade the virtual filibuster.

Contrary to the defenders of the virtual filibuster, Democrat and Republican, it is not a long-standing, historic Senate practice. It’s a relatively new developmen­t.

In a real filibuster, senators seize the floor and talk and talk to prevent the body from voting. Even that wasn’t part of Senate procedure from the beginning. The first real filibuster wasn’t until 1837.

Real filibuster­s have been rare. And they just delay a vote, not prevent the majority from working its legislativ­e will. If the majority is willing to wait out the real filibuster­s, it will prevail.

In recent times, real filibuster­s have been replaced with virtual ones. No one actually filibuster­s. Instead, the minority pretends that it intends to filibuster and the majority pretends to believe it.

This has evolved into an assumption that every bill considered by the Senate is being filibuster­ed. So, before moving on to considerat­ion of the legislatio­n, cloture of a nonexisten­t filibuster has to be passed. And rather than a majority being required for cloture, an extraordin­ary majority of 60 votes is necessary.

In essence, an extraordin­ary majority is now required for anything of consequenc­e to pass the U.S. Senate. That’s contrary to the clear intent of the Constituti­on, which specifies when a supermajor­ity is required, such as an impeachmen­t conviction, ratifying treaties or submitting constituti­onal amendments to the states. By inference, all other business was to be conducted by a simple majority.

Rather than promoting bipartisan­ship, the virtual filibuster promotes gridlock, as recent experience amply demonstrat­es. The minority can prevail if it holds together. That creates pressure not to compromise. If the majority could pass legislatio­n anyway, that would create incentives for minority party members to cut deals. And it would reduce the pressure on majority members not to break ranks and make deals with minority members.

Being blocked from eliminatin­g the virtual filibuster, Democrats are considerin­g a gross abuse of the budget reconcilia­tion process to pass things over Republican objections, such as President Joe Biden’s fiscally irresponsi­ble COVID-19 proposal.

The Budget Act of 1974 was intended to provide some order to how Congress enacts the federal budget.

The new fiscal year begins in October. Congress was to adopt a budget resolution by April 15, giving broad fiscal parameters. The House is supposed to pass appropriat­ion bills within those parameters by June 30. That gives plenty of time to work out a final agreement with the Senate and the president prior to the start of the fiscal year.

Irrespecti­ve of which party is in charge, that never happens. Instead, for years, there has been a series of ad hoc deals made just before or just after government shutdowns.

Relevant to this discussion is what is known as reconcilia­tion. Something deemed as implementi­ng part of the budget resolution isn’t subject to the virtual filibuster. It can be passed with a simple majority.

We are now already in the fifth month of the current fiscal year. Congress already passed the ad hoc appropriat­ions necessary to get to end of it, in September. There was no budget resolution passed for this fiscal year.

So, Democrats are talking about passing one, although the deadline for doing so was 10 months ago. And then passing Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package with a simple majority vote by calling it reconcilia­tion.

Both parties have ignored the Budget Act and its deadlines. And both parties have stretched the use of reconcilia­tion to evade the virtual filibuster. But this is a real perversion of the process. No one truly committed to bipartisan­ship could go along with it. This could be Sinema’s true test.

Irrespecti­ve of which party is in control, the Constituti­on provides for the Senate to conduct most of its business by a simple majority. Allowing that honestly, through abolishing the virtual filibuster, is vastly preferable to perverting the budget process.

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