The Arizona Republic

Arizona’s 2nd Amendment Freedom Act is a false promise

- EJ Montini Columnist Arizona Republic USA TODAY NETWORK Reach Montini at ed.montini@arizonarep­

Republican members of the Arizona Legislatur­e apparently were absent that day in middle school when they taught ... America.

Otherwise, they would not have introduced Senate Bill 1328, along with a companion House Bill 2111, each of which is titled the “Second Amendment Firearm Freedom Act.”

They’ve tried this before.

The proposed law declares that any other act that violates the U.S. or Arizona Constituti­on’s right to bear arms is unenforcea­ble.

Here’s the thing.

Any law that does such a thing would already be unenforcea­ble.

If a law passed by a legislativ­e body violates the Second Amendment to the Constituti­on, or the First Amendment, or any of the other amendments, then that law is unconstitu­tional.

This is not an esoteric concept.

The Constituti­on is the supreme law of the land. But the decisions about what is constituti­onal are not determined by state legislatur­es like ours. Those questions are run up through the justice system and decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.

SB 1328 is sponsored by state Sen. David Gowan and HB 2111 is sponsored by state Rep. Leo Biasiucci, but each has a bunch of Republican co-sponsors.

I’m not sure these good people actually believe that state legislatur­es can offer their own interpreta­tion of federal laws and choose to nullify those they don’t like or if this is just a bit of political theater meant to please firearms enthusiast­s, who have been pushing so-called Second Amendment “sanctuary” legislatio­n across the country.

I suppose it is a way to let that particular constituen­cy know they’re looking out for them, a way to keep the votes and the campaign contributi­ons coming in.

It’s also a way to muddy the legislativ­e waters for more thoughtful elected officials who might propose laws involving firearms that actually make sense, laws that do not violate the Constituti­on but might serve to make citizens more safe and secure.

The last time Republican­s sponsored this same legislatio­n one of them said, “It is time we send a message that we as a state won’t put the safety of our families and communitie­s in jeopardy by allowing unconstitu­tional overreache­s.”

Actually, that’s not the message these bills send. They send the message that our lawmakers don’t understand the Constituti­on.

Simply put, if a law is unconstitu­tional, then it’s unconstitu­tional. It’s already illegal.

If a law gets passed that is believed to be unconstitu­tional it can be challenged in court, meaning the bills being proposed by Republican­s in the Arizona Legislatur­e are not necessary.

What’s necessary is a statutory mandate that Arizona lawmakers take a class in civics.

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