The Arizona Republic

There are 2 Republican parties and their members face a reckoning


A February Independen­t Audit of the voting machines used in the 2020 election resulted in no evidence of fraud, hackingor illegaliti­es.

The voters can be assured that the 2020 election was conducted in a fair and responsibl­e manner.

Yet, there are way too many new bills in the present Arizona Legislatur­e that look like voter suppressio­n. Fact is, the majority of down line Republican Party candidates in Arizona won their elections.

Sadly, white-power hate groups such as QAnon, Proud Boys, white nationalis­ts, Oath Keepers, Neo Nazis and Boogaloo Boys, to name a few, have radicalize­d their members into believing Trump is their man no matter his false words and hateful deeds.

These men and women truly believe the conspiracy theories that have brainwashe­d them from day one of the Trump administra­tion. There are two very different Republican Parties today, one that will stand up and applaud a racist and one that will censure a true conservati­ve.

It’s time for some soul searching. Joan Rose, Scottsdale

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