The Arizona Republic

Senate passes relief bill

- Yvonne Wingett Sanchez Have news to share about Arizona’s U.S. senators or national politics? Reach the reporter on Twitter and Facebook. Contact her at yvonne.wingett@ arizonarep­ and 602-4444712.

Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly of Arizona joined with their Democratic colleagues on Saturday to pass the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package, which includes extending federal unemployme­nt benefits and direct payments to Americans.

Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly of Arizona joined with their Democratic colleagues Saturday to pass the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package.

The Senate passed the American Rescue Plan on a party-line 50-49 vote just after 10 a.m. Arizona time Saturday after an overnight marathon session in which Democrats beat back dozens of amendments by Republican­s to dramatical­ly alter the legislatio­n.

All Democrats voted for it. Every Republican voted against it, with some saying it included wasteful spending not related to the pandemic. Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, was not present because of a death in his family.

The bill extends the federal unemployme­nt benefit to $300 through August, some of which would not be taxed. Those earning less than $75,000 will receive direct aid of $1,400; married couples who file their taxes jointly and make up to $150,000 would both qualify for checks.

The financial aid comes about a year into the pandemic, which has cost jobs and lost wages and made it more difficult for many to pay rent and household expenses without taking on debt.

Sinema and Kelly worked with the bipartisan group of senators and President Joe Biden’s administra­tion to strike deals on the legislatio­n, which now goes to the House of Representa­tives. Both said in separate written statements the money will provide much-needed help for Arizonans.

“We provided crucial support for everyday families, employers, and schools — and budget support for struggling Arizona cities, towns, and tribal communitie­s to retain first responders and essential services,” Sinema’s statement said. “And we extended unemployme­nt insurance for Arizonans out of work, and direct aid for Arizona restaurant­s so they can keep their doors open.”

Sinema said she will work with Arizona leaders to make sure the money is distribute­d to those it’s intended for.

In his statement, Kelly said: “It has been my top priority to get our state the resources we need to beat this virus and help those who need it most right now. This COVID-19 relief bill is going to provide immediate support to Arizona working families and small businesses, help reopen schools safely, get vaccines into peoples’ arms more quickly, and start getting our economy back on track.”

Both senators advocated for additional funding for vaccine distributi­on and COVID-19 testing, tribal communitie­s and state and local government­s. This go-around, the senators supported provisions to ensure state government­s do not backfill their budgets or fund unrelated projects, and instead distribute the financial aid to the communitie­s that most need help.

The bill also includes money for schools to help students return more safely to in-person learning and billions for rural hospitals and health care providers.

The legislatio­n includes provisions Sinema had been working for nearly a year: billions in aid for independen­t restaurant­s and an $800 million fund to help families experienci­ng housing insecurity and homelessne­ss.

Tribal communitie­s hard-hit by the pandemic will receive more than $31 billion, funding Sinema and Kelly have both advocated for. The money is intended to help tribal government­s deal with increased demand for essential services, health care, education programs, and improvemen­ts to drinking water and wastewater projects in rural areas.

Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez said in a statement issued through Kelly’s office the funding will help families who have buried loved ones because of COVID-19. Additional­ly, it will connect more than 700 families to the electric grid, improve broadband services and help small businesses.

The legislatio­n provides $1.5 billion to continue funding programs for seniors — a provision Kelly has been working on to make sure nonprofits can continue meal delivery programs, vaccine outreach, and caregiver support.

The final vote came more than 24 hours after the Senate first began debating the package. Movement on the legislatio­n was stalled for hours Friday after Sen. Joe Manchin, W.Va., a moderate Democrat, demanded concession­s on unemployme­nt benefits.

Overnight, Republican­s sought to gum-up passage of the legislatio­n forcing votes on hot-button issues, some of which were not related to the pandemic.

They repeatedly tried to send the legislatio­n to committees to try to delay a final vote.

Republican­s also forced a vote to try to strip stimulus payments from some mixed-status families, and tried to restrict “sanctuary cities” from receiving state and local funding. The efforts failed.

The amendments by GOP lawmakers came after Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., sought to overrule the Senate parliament­arian to force debate on raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025.

Sinema and seven other Democrats helped sink the amendment, drawing both condemnati­on and praise. Kelly voted for it.

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