The Arizona Republic

Urine tests could help detect cancer

Ariz. experts studying screening possibilit­ies

- Amanda Morris Arizona Republic USA TODAY NETWORK

Marci Hersh didn’t think anything of it when her mother, Barbara, complained of chronic back pain. Her mother was a generally healthy person and plenty of women have back pain, Hersh reasoned.

But during a visit in July 2006, Hersh noticed her mother’s eyes looked a little yellow, or jaundiced.

They saw a doctor the next day. The doctor ordered tests and scans on Barbara and a cancer treatment specialist diagnosed her with stage four pancreatic cancer, meaning it had spread to other organs.

“He said, ‘Get your affairs in order. You have maybe five months,’ ” Hersh recalled.

Barbara Hersh died 145 days later. “In her obituary, we didn’t say she lost a battle,” Hersh said. “Because she didn’t even get to battle.”

For many, a pancreatic cancer diagnosis is like a death sentence.

The five-year survival rate for those diagnosed with late-stage pancreatic cancer is less than 5%, according to Lynn Matrisian, Chief Science Officer at the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.

Fewer than 20% of all pancreatic cancer patients learn about the cancer early enough to be a candidate for surgery, Matrisian said. Otherwise, treatment options are usually limited to chemothera­py.

The five-year survival rate for those diagnosed at the earliest stage of pancreatic cancer is much more encouragin­g, at about 80%, Matrisian said. The problem is, it’s extremely difficult to catch early.

“The pancreas is deep in the abdomen so there is no lump to feel and the symptoms are quite vague,” Matrisian said. “There really isn’t anything for early detection and screening of pancreatic cancer.”

Arizona researcher­s hope to change that by taking a second look at some

thing already used in many medical tests: urine.

Is it practical?

Scientists with the Translatio­nal Genomics Research Institute and the nonprofit cancer research and treatment center City of Hope have discovered that screening urine could be used to detect cancer.

For years, similar work has been ongoing to use blood samples to detect cancer, but Muhammed Murtaza, associate professor and co-director of TGen’s Center for Noninvasiv­e Diagnostic­s, said using urine samples could have some advantages.

“The benefit of a urine sample is it’s relatively easy to collect. You can collect much greater volumes of it compared to blood samples, and ... you could potentiall­y collect the sample at home and bring it to a lab or to drop it to a lab.”

Based on promising early results published in a study in February, Murtaza said researcher­s are working toward further studies to evaluate the accuracy and usefulness of their urine-based cancer screening test.

Ajay Goel, who is the chair of the Department of Molecular Diagnostic­s and Experiment­al Therapeuti­cs and the associate director for Basic Science at City of Hope, said that if they’re successful, they can help reduce the number of cancer-related deaths by providing early detection methods.

“The reason we can’t develop better treatments is simply because these cancers are very complex,” Goel said. “By the time we diagnose them, it is very hard to put the genie back in the bottle and fix everything which has gone wrong. If you find these cancers early on and treat them ... the outcomes are much better.”

But whether a screening test is practical depends on how early the tests can detect cancer and how accurate they are.

Wee bits of informatio­n

When cells die they shed their DNA, or genetic material, which can travel into the bloodstrea­m or urine.

From there, that genetic material gets broken down by enzymes, proteins that cause chemical reactions in the body.

For a long time, Murtaza said, the

view in the scientific community was that DNA in urine was too broken apart to be useful.

But Murtaza and other scientists studied 30 healthy volunteers and found that DNA breaks down in an organized fashion in urine, meaning that a healthy person’s DNA breaks down in a similar pattern to another healthy person.

They were able to use this data to create a genetic map of what DNA should look like when it breaks down in the urine of a healthy individual. Then, scientists compared that standard against DNA in the urine of patients with cancer.

By contrast, when the same scientists analyzed urine from 10 children with cancer and 12 adults with pancreatic cancer, they found that the DNA shed by cancer cells broke down differentl­y.

The DNA in patients with cancer was more fragmented compared to the DNA in healthy individual­s.

The reason this discovery wasn’t made sooner is that the technology was not precise enough until very recently.

“There’s so many advances going on ... that we can find a single molecule of DNA in urine,” Goel said. “10 years ago, we couldn’t do that.”

He said these early results look promising and that the next step is to do a randomized, controlled study on a larger population to see whether these genetic fragments in urine can accurately detect cancer.

Early detection is critical

The accuracy of the test is crucial, according to Joann Cooper, a Phoenix resident and retired nurse who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in June 2019.

For weeks before her diagnosis, she felt full often; sometimes she was only able to eat two bites of food. She made excuses for it, thinking she must have just eaten something to make her feel bloated.

Her hands started to itch uncontroll­ably, causing her to put her hands in ice water for relief. Then the itching spread to her arms and feet. She attributed that symptom as a reaction to a cleaning or beauty product.

It wasn’t until friends told her she looked jaundiced that she decided to get lab tests done.

“They did lots of scans, but nothing was showing up other than some shadows,” Cooper said. “They showed shadows, but nothing really definitive.”

She had a biopsy in April, but it came back negative. She didn’t get her official diagnosis until nearly two months later when she got another biopsy and a second opinion at the Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center. She was lucky — her cancer was still at a potentiall­y borderline operable stage.

“If it had been a couple more months, my diagnosis probably would have been stage four,” Cooper said. “I would be dead.”

She is one year post-treatment and says early detection is critical for more outcomes like hers. She did have some blood tests done to help confirm her diagnosis. The test measured the levels of a substance called CA 19-9, which is released by pancreatic cancer cells.

But this existing test doesn’t work as a screening test for pancreatic cancer, because not every patient with pancreatic cancer will have higher levels of CA 19-9 in their blood, and because other types of conditions can cause higher CA 19-9 levels. When Cooper did an initial CA 19-9 test in April, her test results came back normal. It wasn’t until June, when she did a second test, that she got results showing an elevated level of CA 19-9.

Instead of detection and screening, this type of test is often used to see how well an already-diagnosed patient is responding to treatment, Matrisian said.

“There’s a lot of interest in early detection for any kind of cancer, but in particular pancreatic cancer,” she said. “It’s been a goal of the scientific community for many years and it’s been a hard nut to crack.”

Cooper is intrigued by the idea of urine-based tests but said they would only be useful if they were accurate and reliable in detecting early-stage cancer, unlike the current CA 19-9 level tests.

Erkut Borazanci, a pancreatic cancer specialist at HonorHealt­h Research Institute, said current detection methods of CT scans and MRI scans are too expensive and time-consuming to use on a regular basis or in a general population as a screening tool.

“The biggest challenge is knowing when to order the tests and who to order these types of tests for,” Borazanci said.

Symptoms can be deceiving

Phoenix resident Mike Santina said he got lucky when his doctor ordered tests for him after he complained about being itchy. Santina tried taking penicillin. He raced to Walgreens to buy all sorts of lotions. Nothing worked.

“I literally couldn’t sleep. My ears were itching, my fingers were itching, my eyes were itching,” he said.

It wasn’t until his doctor ordered a CT scan that they found the culprit: a tumor in his pancreas that was blocking his bile duct and causing bile to build up in his body. The bile salt was building up beneath his skin and making him itch.

Santina had surgery the same week he was diagnosed. He was in the early stages of the disease, and his tumor was only about one inch wide. That was in

2011. Now, he is a 10-year survivor of pancreatic cancer, which is a rare feat.

Only about 55% of patients show symptoms of jaundice, according to Borazanci. Other patients have symptoms like itching, bloating or stomach aches, which can be similar to conditions like acid reflux, IBS, chronic back pain or allergic reactions. The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network is studying whether a recent rise in blood sugar levels could actually be an early symptom of pancreatic cancer that is causing diabetes.

In addition to supporting research for better treatments and detection tests, Matrisian said the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network is investigat­ing risk factors that could help pinpoint people who need extra monitoring. These include having a gene called BRCA, which is commonly associated with elevated risk for breast cancer, but which also raises the risk for pancreatic cancer.

HonorHealt­h also runs an early detection program for different types of cancer, which Hersh participat­es in after both her mother and great uncle died from pancreatic cancer.

Holding a photograph of her mother smiling, Hersh’s eyes reflected in the frame. The two women look strikingly similar, but she does not want to suffer the same fate as her mother.

‘It’s a death sentence’

It’s the same fate that many with pancreatic cancer, like Marla DiSarno’s

mother, Marlene McCann, suffered. In March 2012, McCann had been feeling sick and throwing up, but both she and her daughter thought it was just a normal cold until McCann missed a job interview due to sickness.

“The next morning when I flew out, she looked like Homer Simpson. She was yellow,” DiSarno said, describing her mother’s jaundiced skin.

But when they went to doctors, the cancer did not show up on any of her mother’s biopsies at first. None of her biopsies came back positive for pancreatic cancer until January 2013, DiSarno said.

“The problem with it is people don’t know they have pancreatic cancer until

they have like a few weeks to live,” DiSarno said.

Her own mother lived for 25 months after doctors initially suspected pancreatic cancer; she died in April 2014. As a result of chemothera­py weakening her bones, by the time McCann died, she had broken her arm, broken her hip twice, had a brace on her right side and had broken her back.

“She went through hell,” DiSarno said. “It’s a death sentence… we need more research, we need to detect it, we need to get it quicker. I’m all for early detection because if I can save someone from going through what we went through, it’s worth it.”

Advances like those made by TGen researcher­s could make a difference for others.

Borazanci called the research on these types of tests “encouragin­g,” and said researcher­s need to do more studies to see if urine-based tests or bloodbased tests could be viable options for diagnosing pancreatic cancer.

One disadvanta­ge of urine-based tests at the moment is that there is less research on it versus blood-based tests, Matrisian said, and there are fewer collected samples of urine available from pancreatic cancer patients so far, whereas researcher­s have been collecting blood samples from patients for years.

The fact that it is completely non-invasive could give urine-based tests an advantage in the long run, she said.

It’s also possible that blood-based tests may be more generally useful, Goel said, but that certain types of cancer like bladder cancer, prostate cancer or pancreatic cancer could be easier to detect in urine.

If everything goes well in further studies, Goel said he hopes to develop a clinical urine-based cancer detection test, and potentiall­y get Food and Drug Administra­tion approval within five years.

 ?? AMANDA MORRIS/THE REPUBLIC ?? Marci Hersh holds a picture of her mother, Barbara, who died of pancreatic cancer. Hersh wants better early detection methods so that others won’t suffer the same way her mother did.
AMANDA MORRIS/THE REPUBLIC Marci Hersh holds a picture of her mother, Barbara, who died of pancreatic cancer. Hersh wants better early detection methods so that others won’t suffer the same way her mother did.
 ?? AMANDA MORRIS/THE REPUBLIC ?? Marla DiSarno holds a picture of herself and her mother, Marlene McCann, who died of pancreatic cancer.
AMANDA MORRIS/THE REPUBLIC Marla DiSarno holds a picture of herself and her mother, Marlene McCann, who died of pancreatic cancer.

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