The Arizona Republic


A collection of voices, tweets and posts from the week.


Grant Woods


We don’t need our Democratic Senators-either one of them—stoking the fake “crisis” at the border. It’s a cynical Republican ploy trotted out when convenient. Time would be better spent on actually helping solve the problem. Bad take on a great speech.

Chris Herstam


I agree w/Grant. @SenMarkKel­ly’s statement is disappoint­ing. President Biden’s speech & proposals were impressive and critical for our country.

Larry Fitzgerald


Nothing better than ending a drought in the desert. Congrats @Suns

Chandler Police


It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Chandler Police Officer Christophe­r Farrar. Officer Farrar was struck and killed by a suspect driving a stolen vehicle earlier this evening. He was a 18-year veteran of the Chandler Police Department.


“Just take a moment and remember to be mindful of the brave men and women who are out there daily helping to keep our community safe.”

— Sean Duggan

Chandler Police chief

“While I share President Biden’s urgency in fixing our broken immigratio­n system, what I didn’t hear tonight was a plan to address the immediate crisis at the border.”

— Mark Kelly

U.S. Senator

“‘Wokeness’ is a problem and everyone knows it. It’s hard to talk to anybody today (and I talk to lots of people in the Democratic Party) who doesn’t say this. But they don’t want to say it out loud.”

— James Carville


“We have to prove democracy still works.”

— President Joe Biden

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 ??  ?? Carville

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