The Arizona Republic

House Dems delay vote on social bill

- Lisa Mascaro and Alan Fram

WASHINGTON – Top Democrats abruptly postponed an expected House vote Friday on their 10-year, $1.85 trillion social and environmen­t measure as leaders’ long struggle to balance demands from progressiv­es and moderates again dogged the pillar of President Joe Biden’s domestic agenda.

In a bid to hand him a needed victory, leaders still prepared to try pushing an accompanyi­ng $1 trillion package of road and other infrastruc­ture projects through the chamber and to his desk.

But even that popular bill’s fate was in doubt. Progressiv­es threatened to vote against it, continuing their demand that the two measures be voted on together to pressure moderates to support the larger, more expansive social measure. It seemed possible that Democrats might delay the infrastruc­ture vote as well to avoid an embarrassi­ng defeat.

The scrambled plans cast a fresh pall over a party that’s tried for weeks to find middle ground on its massive package of health, education, family and climate change initiative­s. That’s been hard, in part because Democrats’ slender majorities mean they need the support of every Senate Democrat and can have no more than three defectors in the House.

Democratic leaders had hoped to see the House approve both measures on Friday, producing twin triumphs for a president and party eager to rebound from this week’s deflating off-year elections and show they can govern.

But those plans were dashed when, after hours of talks, a half-dozen moderates insisted they would vote against the sprawling social and climate bill unless the nonpartisa­n Congressio­nal Budget Office first provided its cost estimate for the measure.

Democratic leaders have said that would take days or more. With Friday’s delay and lawmakers’ plans to leave town for a week’s break, that could mean the budget estimates would be ready by the time a vote is held.

“In order to make progress on the president’s vision, it is important that we advance the Bipartisan Infrastruc­ture

Framework and the Build Back Better Act today,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., wrote to her colleagues, using the White House names for the two measures. She added, “The agenda that we are advancing is transforma­tive and historic, hence challengin­g.”

The infrastruc­ture measure cleared the Senate easily in August with bipartisan support, including the backing of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. The package would provide huge sums for every state for highway, rail, mass transit, broadband, airport, drinking and waste water, power grids, ports and other projects.

But that bill became a pawn in the long struggle for leverage between Democrats’ progressiv­es and moderates. Progressiv­es said they would back the legislatio­n only if the two measures were voted on together.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., who leads the 95-member Congressio­nal Progressiv­e Caucus, revived that timing link Friday, saying the White House and Congress’ nonpartisa­n Joint Committee on Taxation had provided all the fiscal informatio­n lawmakers needed for the broad bill.

“If our six colleagues still want to wait for a CBO score, we would agree to give them that time – after which point we can vote on both bills together,” she wrote. That strongly suggested that at least some progressiv­es would vote Friday against the infrastruc­ture bill.

That would sink the infrastruc­ture measure unless enough Republican­s backed so that it passed anyway, which seemed unlikely. That could mean Pelosi, who has long refused to have votes on any bills unless she knows Democrats will win, would choose that path again and decide against allowing an infrastruc­ture vote until both bills are ready to go.

Earlier Friday, Biden, said he was going “to make some calls” to lawmakers. He said he would ask them to “vote yes on both these bills right now.”

Democrats are eager to notch accomplish­ments days after a gubernator­ial election defeat in Virginia and disappoint­ing contests elsewhere.

House passage of Biden’s larger measure would send it to the Senate, where it would face certain changes and more Democratic drama.

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