The Arizona Republic

Supreme Court hears arguments on Ariz. death penalty cases

- Joseph Darius Jaafari

Prosecutor­s for the state and two Arizona prisoners made oral arguments today in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, debating whether the state’s limited due process forced people to argue exoneratin­g evidence in a federal court, which possibly violated a federal antiterror­ism law.

The case, Shinn v. Ramirez, discusses two separate cases where two men (both of whom were sentenced to death) effectivel­y argued in federal courts that both their lawyers failed to bring up evidence during an appeal that would exonerate them from a death sentence.

Barry Jones was convicted of sexual assault, child abuse, and felony murder of his girlfriend’s 4-year-old daughter. The state’s case relied on a limited timeline when an eyewitness saw Jones hit the girl. But there were other medical experts who were never interviewe­d who contested the facts and argued that other people — including the girl’s mother — could also have struck the girl.

The state also challenged the federal court’s decision to allow new evidence that could overturn a decision related to David Ramirez, who was convicted in 1990 of raping and murdering a teenager. According to court records, Ramirez’s lawyer did not provide evidence that Ramirez was severely mentally disabled, which would have forbid him from the death penalty, per federal law.

The case is a gift to legal wonks and relies on a heavy understand­ing of the (very dense) 1996 Anti-terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act, which limited when people sentenced to death could argue new evidence in a federal court.

The argument against the state hinges on a former Supreme Court ruling, Martinez v. Ryan, which allowed federal judges to entertain an argument that people had poor representa­tion during post-conviction review, but stopped short of saying there could be an evidentiar­y hearing.

The court’s decision — which will come sometime early next year — would be a landmark decision no matter which way the justices decide. A decision in favor of the state would be especially damning for defendants in Arizona, which only gives people a single opportunit­y to argue whether they had poor representa­tion during their trial in a post-conviction review. It would also push forward the execution of Jones, whom judges in the ninth circuit said received such bad counsel during his post-conviction review, that they ordered Arizona to retry or release him.

A decision in favor of Ramirez would give Arizonans the ability to argue, prove, and then have their evidence heard more than once.

But Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who is running for U.S. Senate next year, and his office argued that the federal courts should not have been allowed to make that determinat­ion, based on a nearly three-decades-old anti-terrorism law that limits federal courts ability to listen to new evidence outside of a state court.

During opening statements, the state’s lawyer said that the federal court violated the anti-terrorism law establishe­d through Congress by listening to evidence and then determinin­g — based on that evidence — the outcome of the state’s former trials.

“Martinez’s judge-made rule cannot rewrite Congress’s statutory mandates,” said Beau Roysden, the solicitor general representi­ng Arizona in the case.

Robert Loeb, the respondent­s’ lawyer in the case, responded in a statement that, “Arizona’s position would represent a dramatic departure from existing federal law, would undermine public confidence in the criminal justice system, and would result in the imprisonme­nt and execution of innocent individual­s.”

Brnovich’s office declined to comment, instead publishing a press release further doubling down that Jones and Ramirez both were guilty and that the case was an opportunit­y to cause delays in the system. They did not address questions or issues brought up by the justices on the state’s case.

Before oral arguments today, there has been consistent worry from federal defense attorneys that the conservati­ve majority of justices could rule in favor of Arizona.

That worry was compounded today by questions from Justice Samuel Alito, who asked if a ruling against the state would require the court to mandate states to appoint post-conviction review attorneys — something Arizona provides, and Alito would historical­ly not rule in favor of. And Justice Neil Gorsuch asked if deciding in favor of Ramirez might cause judicial backlogs.

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