The Arizona Republic

Tips for traveling with ease


Book flights directly through the airline after comparing prices on a search engine.

Check your flight status often for delays and cancellati­ons. Download the TripCase app to stay informed of real-time changes.

Purchase travel insurance right after booking your flight.

Contact your travel insurer as soon as a mishap occurs. They may be able to help you find solutions.

Stay up-to-date on the latest COVID-19 protocols. Start with the U.S. State Department’s COVID-19 Country Specific Informatio­n page at

Get vaccinated or take a booster at least two weeks before traveling.

Bring your vaccinatio­n card for entry to museums, restaurant­s and other sites. We kept ours in clear, waterproof cases purchased at a drug store.

Plan your rapid COVID-19 test well in advance. Schedule an appointmen­t for the day before you travel or order the correct kind of at-home test well in advance.

Bring several masks, including at least one high-quality KN95 mask for each way.

Pack in your carry-on an inflatable pillow, extra clothing, earplugs, snacks, toiletries, a shawl or light blanket and medication in case you have to sleep in the airport or your checked luggage is misplaced.

Consider throwing a small GPS tracker in your checked bag to track its journey if it gets lost.

Keep all receipts and paperwork in case you need to file a claim later.

Submit claims everywhere you might be eligible for compensati­on, including your travel insurer, airline and booking agency. Check the European Union’s protection­s for travelers to see if you qualify.

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