The Arizona Republic



Today is Monday, Sept. 12, the 255th day of 2022. There are 110 days left in the year. On this date in:

1913: Olympic legend Jesse Owens

was born in Oakville, Alabama.

1914: During World War I, the First Battle of the Marne ended in an Allied victory against Germany.

1958: The U.S. Supreme Court, in Cooper v. Aaron, unanimousl­y ruled that Arkansas officials who were resisting public school desegregat­ion orders could not disregard the high court’s rulings.

1959: The Soviet Union launched its Luna 2 space probe, which crash landed on the moon. The TV Western series “Bonanza” premiered on NBC.

1962: In a speech at Rice University in Houston, President John F. Kennedy reaffirmed his support for the manned space program, declaring: “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”

1977: South African Black student leader and anti-apartheid activist Steve Biko, 30, died while in police custody, triggering an internatio­nal outcry.

1987: Reports surfaced that Democratic presidenti­al candidate Joseph Biden had borrowed, without attributio­n, passages of a speech by British Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock for one of his own campaign speeches. (The Kinnock report, along with other damaging revelation­s, prompted Biden to drop his White House bid.)

1995: The Belarusian military shot down a hydrogen balloon during an internatio­nal race, killing its two American pilots, John Stuart-Jervis and

Alan Fraenckel.

2001: Stunned rescue workers continued to search for bodies in the World Trade Center’s smoking rubble a day after a terrorist attack that shut down the financial capital, badly damaged the Pentagon and left thousands dead.

2003: In the Iraqi city of Fallujah, U.S. forces mistakenly opened fire on vehicles carrying police, killing eight of them.

2005: Federal Emergency Management Agency director Mike Brown resigned, three days after losing his onsite command of the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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