The Arizona Republic

Elegant play


In an on-line event prior to the ACBL Summer NABC, Robb Gordon, formerly the League’s Recorder-in-Chief, played at today’s six clubs. (North’s second bid of three hearts artificial­ly showed spade length.)

West led a trump, and Gordon won in dummy and led a heart; his queen won. He took the ace of diamonds, ruffed a diamond and led a spade to his queen. Next, guided by West’s double of four diamonds, Gordon led the queen of diamonds: king, ruff. That play left East with the defenders’ diamond guard.


Declarer then led a spade to hxis hand and tookz three more trumps. With three tricks left, dummy had the A-9 of spades and king of hearts; declarer had a low spade, a low heart and the ten of diamonds.

East was sunk: He couldn’t keep the jack of diamonds, the ace of hearts and the guarded jack of spades. When he threw the jack of diamonds, Gordon’s ten won the 12th trick.

Gordon could have made the slam in more than one way, but his “transfer squeeze” was elegant.


You hold: ♠ A953 ♥ K972 ♦ 7 ♣ KQ 6 3. You open one club, your partner bids one heart, you raise to two hearts and he tries 2NT. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s 2NT invites game with about 11 points. He is giving you options depending on your heart support (you might have raised with three cards) and strength. You have a sound, shapely raise with four-card support. Bid four hearts.

South dealer

N-S vulnerable

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