The Arizona Republic




1 Certain

pronouncem­ent? 11 Some scanners 14 Pity parties? 15 Tender in Tehran

´'RQ·W , NQRZ LWµ 17 Survey opción 18 Brazilian city 19 Ballet bends 20 Act big, so to


21 Mud

/LNH ZUDS KHHOV 24 Tolerates 27 Neither partner 28 Rx overseer 30 See-__

31 Some highoccupa­ncy vehicles 34 Noggin

*UHHN FLW\ WKDW·V one of the oldest in Europe 36 Mid-month day 37 Resident of the highest-altitude U.S. capital 39 Assessment

´$UWKXUµ QHWZRUN 41 Heated state 42 Way out 45 Opposite of coy 48 Swift album with

´$OO 7RR :HOOµ

49 One with a clipped ear, perhaps

7DONLQJ SRLQW ŊZLćWHN ZKR ZRQ the French Open in 2020 and 2022 55 Busy, busy, busy 56 One doing spit


58 Rx items 59 Technology swiped by millions


61 Retro footwear

made from PVC


1 Pre-revolution


2 Spring celebratio­n with colored powder 3 “Collapsed in 6XQEHDPVµ VLQJHU 3DUNV

By Kate Chin Park & Brooke Husic 4 New Year celebrated with WKLW NKR WUXQJ 5 Apply generously 6 Got 7 Bubbly locale 'HPHWHU·V Roman counterpar­t 9 Advice for a plant 10 Dir. from Beverly Hills to Long Beach 11 Some flat caps? 12 Eye-catching

number 13 Gin berry 15 Frolic 20 Get well? 21 Day trip, maybe 23 Column crossers ,QJUHGLHQW LQ PDQ\ /·2FFLWDQH creams 25 Movement celebrated with D EOXH SLQN DQG white flag 26 Hours limited by

parents 29 PDA part: Abbr. 30 Largest of a FHUWDLQ NLWFKHQ set, for short 32 NYC hub

33 Gave credit 35 Hairstyle for

Misty Knight 38 Open, in a way 43 Philadelph­ia

Flyers mascot 44 Short accounts 'RPLQR·V VWDUWHU" /LNH PDQ\ $VLDQ



nominated documentar­y set in Aleppo 51 Programmin­g language named for a gem

´$P BB ODWH"µ 53 Hand-me-down

piece? 54 Truculent god 56 Financial daily,


57 Silent bid?

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