The Arizona Republic

Who’s for you?


“Do you think there is someone for everyone?” a club member asked me in the lounge.

Having been married to a good woman for 45 years, I had to admit I believed that might be true.

“Well, my partner says the right person for me is a psychiatri­st – or maybe someone who can teach defense.”

My friend showed me today’s deal. He had been West, defending against four spades.

“I led the king of clubs,” he said. “Dummy played low, and my partner signaled with the deuce. I knew he suggested a shift, but to which suit?”

Help needed

“I led a diamond, and declarer won, led a club to dummy’s jack, threw a heart on the ace and started the trumps. He lost a trump, a heart and a club, and my partner said I was in need of help from somewhere.”

West had an aberration. At Trick Two, he must lead the ace of hearts. East will encourage with the ten, and West will lead a second heart to assure four defensive tricks. But if East signaled with a low heart, West could shift to diamonds.

Daily question

You hold: ♠ 6 3 ♥ A 8 7 3 ♦ 6 4 ♣ K Q 10 7 4. The dealer, at your left, opens one spade. Your partner doubles, and the next player bids two spades. What do you say?

Answer: You certainly must compete. Bid three hearts. Partner is likely to have good support for the other major suit, and if you have a game, it is probably the 10-trick heart game. If you held 63, AQ73, 64, KQ1074, you would jump to four hearts or cue-bid three spades. North dealer

Both sides vulnerable

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