The Arizona Republic

Listen to the bidding


An older member of my club told me she had gotten a new hearing aid.

“It’s state of the art,” she said.

“What kind is it?” I asked, evincing interest.

“It’s about a quarter to one,” was the reply.

Players often misdefend because they fail to listen to the auction and draw useful inferences. Against today’s 3NT, West led a diamond: four, king, ace. Declarer led a heart to dummy’s

x queen and next let the queen of clubs

z ride. When West took the king, he continued with the jack of diamonds, and South claimed five hearts, three clubs and two diamonds.


West could assume that South had the king of hearts. If East had it, he would have grabbed it at the second trick to return a diamond. When West takes the king of clubs, he knows South will make 3NT unless the defense cashes four spade tricks.

At Trick Three, West must lead the king of spades. East will unblock his eight, win the next spade with the ace and lead his four through South’s 10-6 to West’s J-7.


You hold: ♠ 10 6 5 3 ♥ K 9 3 ♦ A Q ♣ A J 9 3. You open one club, your partner responds one heart, you bid one spade and he jumps to three clubs, invitation­al. Today’s South then bid 3NT with this hand. Do you agree?

ANSWER: Whether South should accept partner’s invitation is unclear, but if he does act, to bid three hearts is correct, showing the three-card support for partner’s suit. As it happens, North would bid four hearts and make it. South dealer

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