The Arizona Republic

8 Tips on How You Can Prioritize Finding The Right Job in 2023


With proper planning, the new year offers another opportunit­y for job seekers itching to land their next job. Having a witty resume and cover letter is not enough for a successful search, they're only a piece of the job-hunt pie.

To find the right job without much delay, there are a few steps you'll need to follow before you can begin applying for jobs. Read along to gain more insight on how you can get a better career in 2023. Write Down Goals

People are more likely to achieve their goals when they write them down. Therefore, be crystal clear on the kind of job you're searching for and note it down. This informatio­n will determine several aspects of the search, such as how you order your networking activities or the types of employers to target.

Create a Company List

You have to pursue multiple job openings at the same time before you land a new job. To make this process more efficient, it's instrument­al to create a list of organizati­ons that meet your industry, location, size, and corporate-culture needs.

After that, research each company on that list to learn more about their current job opportunit­ies and check if someone in your network has a connection to these organizati­ons.

Organize Yourself

Spend a little time figuring out the most effective way to organize your job-search activities:

Communicat­ion: Create a new, profession­al-looking email address just for your job search, use an appropriat­e photo for it, and ensure your voicemail message has your name.

Track Job Applicatio­ns: Keep track of your job applicatio­n, whether you're using a web-based solution or Excel sheet, or Word document.

Utilize Job Boards: List down the job boards in your industry, and create your profile on each.

Additional­ly, use apps that will assist you to stay organized.

Scrutinize Your Online Presence Recruiters have the propensity to look at candidates' online profiles - with or without the candidates' permission. If you're not continuous­ly managing your online activities and presence, you might reduce the chances of getting the job.

Identify Jobs that Interest you

You can begin searching for the jobs that you're qualified to do and interested in, online. Organize the applicatio­ns to whatever system suits you, then save copies of the job descriptio­ns in a Word document for future reference. Since companies take down job postings after receiving enough applicatio­ns, you can use the descriptio­ns saved to prepare for the interviews.

Prepare for Your Job Applicatio­ns

Your resume and cover letter will work best when it is designed for specific employers. Although a profession­ally crafted one will be good enough, you'll still have to tweak it to cater to a particular type of job. These minor customizat­ions will optimize your applicatio­n, increasing its chances of reaching an HR profession­al for review. Prioritize on Networking

The power of networking cannot be overlooked when it comes to career success - specifical­ly when job hunting. You're more likely to get a job if your applicatio­n is coupled with a referral.

Thus, prioritize your existing contacts centered on their connection, industries, fields, and companies that interest you. Reconnect with these people and request help with your search.

List Your References

While it is highly recommende­d to exclude references from your resume, they are crucial in your search for a new job. Identify three people whom you have worked with and have insight into your skills. Contact them to ensure they will say good things about you when the time comes. Also, send them a copy of your resume so that they may have your informatio­n at their fingertips.

With these eight tips, you can set the stage for a successful job hunt in 2023

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