The Arizona Republic


Arizona Republic photograph­er is a hit parade: a moon shot, then another

- Rhonda Otterbein, Phoenix The letter writer is a retired educator.

I was struck by the excellent picture of people on Piestewa Peak silhouette­d against the “Super Moon.”

Great job, Rob Schumacher! Then this morning, just a couple days later, I was struck by the dramatic shot of the ASU receiver’s end-zone catch in front of the big crowd.

Once again, great job, Rob Schumacher!

That man gets around and gets it done.

Steve Hansen, Phoenix

World goes bonkers. We’ve got too many mice in the cage

One topic that has fallen by the wayside that may be contributi­ng to many of our problems is overpopula­tion.

I remember in college Psychology 101, we learned that if you put too many mice in a cage, at some point the normally amicable creatures would start acting crazy and violent, even to the point of cannibalis­m.

I also remember back in the 1970s, overpopula­tion was a big topic. We were focused on how fast the population was growing and how much the Earth could sustain in terms of natural resources.

There was a brief movement called “Population Zero,” which proposed everyone having only one child to stop the exponentia­l growth that would eventually cause disaster.

This concept has been forgotten or possibly suppressed by corporate interests that enjoy monetary growth over quality of life on this planet.

If you look at much of our socio/political dysfunctio­n that is not merely bonkers

There they go again. Conservati­ve Chicken Littles are in a panic

Hold on to your underpants. Our Republican commentato­rs Phil Boas and Jon Gabriel have pinpointed the key issues threatenin­g Arizona.

According to Boas, it’s the Canadian Liberal Party establishm­ent, which believes in equal rights and treatment for LGBTQ people, and has hinted warnings about right-wing policies in states such as Arizona.

Woke Canadian liberals, a fairly terrifying bunch, could discourage snowbirds from visiting Arizona! Shame on them.

Gabriel, for a change, is not attacking Joe Biden because he is old and incompeten­t and falls down.

Instead, Gabriel is recommendi­ng Arizonans vote for the previously rejected Blake Masters, who praised the Unabomber, cited ideologues who oppose democratic governance and suggested racial diversity at the Federal Reserve is the source of U.S. economic problems.

Masters also promoted the racist “replacemen­t” theory that claims nonwhite migrants are part of a plot to destroy America and that Black people are primarily responsibl­e for U.S. gun violence.

He also parroted baseless conspiracy theories about Donald Trump being cheated out of the 2020 election.

Just the man we need to lead in Arizona!

Alan Austin, Phoenix

The liberals don’t need to choose candidates for Republican­s

As a liberal Democrat, I am annoyed by “well-meaning” conservati­ve Republican­s

and pundits offering us political advice.

They shed crocodile tears at the awful prospects that await us if we don’t listen to their logically sound recommenda­tions.

I’m pretty sure Republican­s feel the same when the situation is reversed, as with Laurie Roberts’ encouragin­g Republican­s to nominate Rusty Bowers for the U.S. Senate instead of someone who speaks to their heart like Kari Lake.

I say let Republican­s be Republican­s. It’s not my business who they choose and they certainly won’t be interested in any political tactical direction from me.

Now, pundits are free to express their opinions, but I think they should concentrat­e on generic advice that applies to any party, such as:

Nominate candidates who follow the Constituti­on and the law.

Shun conspiracy nuts, liars and bigots.

Credit experience and a track record of achievemen­t.

Focus on real issues, not distractio­ns or celebrity.

Don’t secretly subvert the election by secretly organizing phony third-party candidates to split the opposition.

Condemn political violence and threats.

And accept election results, with a commitment to do better in the future after any losses.

When it comes to telling Republican­s who they should nominate, I am not a credible source.

Andrew March, Phoenix

An open letter to Arizona public schools’ chief Tom Horne

Mr. Horne,

Would you please let us know why you are working so hard to dismantle public education?

You are allowing private schools to teach in dual language while disallowin­g this practice in public schools. Then you are paying for many television commercial­s to promote your ESA schools.

Where do all of these dollars come from? Are these funds also being removed from our public schools?

 ?? ROB SCHUMACHER/THE REPUBLIC ?? Hikers watch the Super Blue Moon climb over monsoon clouds from the summit of Piestewa Peak in Phoenix on Aug. 30.
ROB SCHUMACHER/THE REPUBLIC Hikers watch the Super Blue Moon climb over monsoon clouds from the summit of Piestewa Peak in Phoenix on Aug. 30.

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