The Arizona Republic

$7.5 million for a highway rest stop. Are you *&$#@! kidding me?

- David Lewis, Phoenix

I just read that the renovation of the Sunset Point rest stop cost $7.5 million. Is this true?

If so, maybe, instead of getting all hot and bothered about critical race theory, trans kids, the 2020 election or some other right-wing chimera, the rabid hillbillie­s who control our state’s Legislatur­e should look into that.

Columnist sat in his cushy journalist chair while I defended America

Last week, columnist Phil Boas wrote a piece full of misogyny, snark and disrespect, implying that my fellow women veterans and I were “pretending.”

Yep, that 16-month deployment and those 24 years I spent in the Army National Guard while Phil sat at his desk in his cushy newspaper job were all just pretend.

Why is Phil doing the bidding of U.S. Rep. Juan Ciscomani, R-CD 6, by writing a diatribe against women veterans everywhere? Ciscomani did not even return my phone call concerning the makeup of his veterans’ advisory council.

His council is charged with making veterans’ lives better. Gee, does it get more vacuous than that? I’m sure with that amazing leadership mandate, his council of mostly old white men will soon make all veterans’ lives sunshine and lollipops.

Boas calls Ciscomani a moderate, but make no mistake, he is not a moderate. He votes with MTG (U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga.) and the MAGA caucus 90% of the time. Look it up.

Plenty of votes for culture war BS, but no votes for Arizona veterans.

Phil is right about one thing. I am an industrial-strength supporter of democracy. A complete radical liberal who believes every word of that oath I took eight times to support and defend the Constituti­on.

Sue Ritz, Marana

The writer served as a master sergeant in the Arizona National Guard.

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