The Arizona Republic

Is Trump team paying Lake to sit out?

- Phil Boas

Is there anyone as cloying as Kari Lake in devotion to Donald Trump?

She doesn’t speak a word without bowing to Trump, saying his name and fetching his slippers and pipe.

“I’m so proud to stand with President Trump ...”

“I support President Trump in his efforts ...”

“As President Trump says ...”

Donald Trump is so all possessing of Kari Lake that he is the launch software that starts her day.

He’s the central processing unit that runs her brain and mouth and every tiny gesture — gracious and snide.

There is no Kari Lake without Donald Trump. Without him, the system aborts and crashes.

Thus, it is delicious to contemplat­e that the real Donald Trump, the mogul in white slacks chipping out of the sand in south Florida, may have sold off his Kari Lake stock at least 10 months ago. We don’t know that for sure.

We only know that 10 months ago, the head of the Arizona Republican Party on paper came to the head of the Arizona Republican Party in practice and offered her a deal.

AZ GOP Chair Jeff DeWit told Kari Lake there are powerful people willing to pay her handsomely to sit out the U.S. Senate race in Arizona.

A day or two later, Lake told the Conservati­ve Political Action Conference that shadowy figures had sent their consiglier­e to her home to name the price to sell her soul.

Last week, when Donald Trump was planning to visit Arizona and state Republican­s were set to convene their annual meeting, someone leaked Kari Lake’s secret recording to a British tabloid — The Daily Mail.

On tape, you can hear DeWit tell Lake, “There are very powerful people that want to keep you out . ... They’re willing to put their money where their mouth is in a big way.”

Here’s what you need to know about that recording:

● Kari Lake secretly recorded that tape.

● Kari Lake controlled that tape.

● Kari Lake acknowledg­ed to KTAR’s Mike Broomhead that she knows the person who leaked the tape.

● And Kari Lake celebrated the leak. “Frankly, I’m glad (it leaked),” she told Broomhead. “I think the people need to know what is happening in politics and in government. And we need to clean this mess up. You know, President Trump calls it a swamp. It is a filthy, dirty swamp.”

Of course, President Trump calls it that. Now, can you light his pipe?

So, what if the man Kari Lake adores, the man to whom she genuflects before she so much as sips her breakfast tea, decided she’s a loser?

If the million-dollar question last week was this:

Why did Kari Lake wait 10 months to expose the party chair who was supposedly corrupting the Arizona Republican Party?

The billion-dollar question this week is:

Who sent the party chair?

Somebody close to Kari Lake offered a possible answer late last week.

Former Arizona Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward, appearing with Emerald Robinson on Lindell TV (not to be confused for Edward R. Murrow and CBS News), said this:

“There’s some speculatio­n that some people that are on Trump’s team have done this.”


What did Ward just say?

That Trump people wanted to buy off Lake?

To even suggest that suggests that Ward believes it plausible – that Trump’s team would want Kari Lake out of the race – out of the way.

That would be a problem if Donald Trump was the puppet master who wanted Lake out.

So, Ward offered this:

“I can tell you. If they were going behind President Trump’s back and doing this, there needs to be some serious repercussi­ons for them.”

There you have it.

The former chair of the Arizona Republican Party, the second most obsequious Trump worshiper after Kari Lake, has told us what she is hearing in her AZ GOP circles — that mutineers on the Trump man-o-war sent Jeff DeWit to parlay Lake’s exit.

But wait, you say, didn’t Donald Trump endorse Kari Lake?

Yes, and Kari Lake endorsed Jeff DeWit.

That’s MAGA.

In today, out tomorrow ... with a dagger in your back.

Given Kelli Ward’s reputation for accuracy, there’s actually a one-in-five chance that this is all true — that Trump people sent Jeff DeWit to buy off Kari Lake.

If she’s right, it puts DeWit in a whole new light and it helps explain the recent power shift in the Arizona Republican Party.

Last week, Kari Lake was the leader of the party. We know that because DeWit told us that in his resignatio­n announceme­nt:

“Lake has a massive megaphone that I cannot compete with.”

“... I am doing as Ms. Lake wishes and am stepping down as chairman of the Arizona Republican Party.”

But over the weekend things changed.

The Arizona GOP nearly booed Kari Lake off stage.

Republican­s did not appreciate that Lake leaked the secret audio tape. They did not appreciate that Donald Trump

shortly afterwards canceled his Arizona visit.

“I expected some boos for Lake, but that was pretty significan­t for a room filled with core party activists,” tweeted long-time Republican political consultant Constantin Querard.

Then newly appointed party chair, Gina Swoboda, revealed she wasn’t actually pursuing the chair until she got a call from Trump.

“I was not going to run for this. The president called me and said, ‘You need to do this . ... And I said, ‘Yes, Sir. I’m in.’ ”

On the same weekend Kari Lake was being booed and Donald Trump was taking hands-on control of the Arizona GOP, Kari Lake was tweeting:

“WOW!!! I have NEVER seen so much UNITY within the Arizona Republican Party.”

There is unity alright. There are many more Republican­s today who wish Kari Lake had just taken the money.

Because in the race for U.S. Senate, cloying and clueless are not a good look.

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