The Arizona Republic

County attorney: DOJ plays politics to undermine cops

- Your Turn Rachel Mitchell Guest columnist

Public safety is the backbone of our community, and our men and women in blue are the ones on the front lines.

More than ever, the job involves waking up every day and putting their lives on the line.

That’s what makes The Arizona Republic’s recent editorial advocating for a hostile takeover of the Phoenix Police Department by the Biden administra­tion’s Department of Justice so very dangerous.

It appears that The Republic’s editorial board accepted the so-called “DOJ Report” at face value, and is practicall­y begging them to make us a vassal state.

Without a doubt, this would make Arizonans less safe and Phoenix a more dangerous place.

Name me one thing — just one — that the federal government has touched in recent years and made better. The answer: Nothing.

Let’s be clear: Abuses by public servants should never be tolerated. But the

DOJ report is nothing more than a politicall­y driven document by people who want to undermine law enforcemen­t.

Here’s what the DOJ report did not include: a full set of facts.

Nor did it ask the right questions. For example, the DOJ asked why there are so many shootings by police.

Yet, it failed to ask why so many people are shooting at police or brandishin­g knives and other weapons at them.

Nor did it take into account the failure of the federal government to address the fentanyl epidemic or open borders that have led to more crime in our Maricopa County neighborho­ods.

But that’s not how the DOJ operates. Instead, they use bits and pieces of informatio­n to claim patterns or practices of misconduct with little or no supporting evidence.

In many of the situations mentioned by the DOJ, the suspect committed a crime and someone called the police.

Yet the DOJ questions the purpose of police involvemen­t and, even more telling, does not mention the crime victims.

For an illustrati­on of how DOJ goes light on the facts to orchestrat­e a conclusion, one need look no further than the report’s references to Maricopa County Attorney’s Office’s “involvemen­t in the constituti­onal violations” regarding the 2020 downtown Phoenix protest cases.

It mentions how the State Bar of Arizona suspended the responsibl­e prosecutor.

The clear implicatio­n was that the State Bar had to come into the County Attorney’s Office and clean house. That assertion is false.

Here’s the truth: The Maricopa County Attorney’s Office cleaned its own house. Policy changes were made and corrective actions were taken, including dismissing cases and referring this person to the Bar. I fired her and, along with other MCAO attorneys, testified against her at her Bar hearing.

But a full set of facts does not get you to DOJ’s ultimate agenda: controllin­g local police department­s.

I’ve got news for them: A bunch of

D.C. attorneys with no actual law enforcemen­t experience will not make Phoenix safer. DOJ consent decrees do not yield better outcomes or safer communitie­s. In fact, in most cities subject to DOJ consent decrees see violent crime increase within the first two years.

And then there’s the cost. Money that could be spent to hire more officers, retain those we have, train personnel or dedicate to other interdicti­on programs is instead spent chasing the DOJ mission creep.

If you dare fight the consent decree, it’s even worse. Just ask the taxpayers of Maricopa County who have forked over close to $300 million for things that occurred years ago.

What do we have to show for it? An unelected federal judge running the Sheriff ’s Office, a $100,000 per year tab for a floor of unused office space, slower investigat­ions and demoralize­d deputies. All this with no end in sight because the “independen­t monitor” only gets paid as long as he continues to find problems.

Without question, the safety of our residents is paramount. As Maricopa County attorney and a career prosecutor, I have upheld my ethical commitment to protecting victims of crime and preserving civil rights.

If there was evidence of widespread wrongdoing or corruption, I can guarantee that my office would be investigat­ing it.

Phoenix police Chief Michael Sullivan has shown a dogged commitment to reform. Oversight should remain with him and the City Council, which answers to the voters.

The men and women of Phoenix police, who put their lives on the line every day, deserve our gratitude, not our condemnati­on.

Everyone needs to realize that DOJ carpetbagg­ers are never the solution.

 ?? PERRY VANDELL/ THE REPUBLIC ?? Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell speaks at a news conference at Phoenix Police Headquarte­rs on April 27, 2023.
PERRY VANDELL/ THE REPUBLIC Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell speaks at a news conference at Phoenix Police Headquarte­rs on April 27, 2023.
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