The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

A record for black coaches

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Doc Rivers was a little surprised by the number, though not by the trend.

Fourteen NBA head coaches are black, tying the 30-team league’s own record for the most ever in a sport.

“I didn’t even know that it’s half, which is probably a better sign,” the Boston Celtics coach said recently. “I don’t think it’s a big deal any more, especially in our league and I think we probably set the tone in all leagues in that way.” He’s right. The NBA already held the record for most black coaches when it had 14 in 2002. It briefly surpassed that total this season for about 24 hours in March after Mike Woodson was promoted in New York and before Nate Mcmillan was fired in Portland.

Mcmillian was replaced by Kaleb Canales — who became the first MexicanAme­rican coach.

Besides Rivers and Woodson, the NBA’S other black coaches are Byron Scott (Cleveland), Mike Brown (Los Angeles Lakers), Avery Johnson (New Jersey), Dwane Casey (Toronto), Paul Silas (Charlotte), Lionel Hollins (Memphis), Tyrone Corbin (Utah), Larry Drew (Hawks), Alvin Gentry (Phoenix), Monty Williams (New Orleans), Mark Jackson (Golden State) and Keith Smart (Sacramento). A half-dozen will be coaching in the playoffs starting this weekend.

Woodson, the former Hawks coach, carries an interim title in New York after taking over for Mike D’antoni on March 14, and Silas is finishing one of the worst seasons in NBA history, so the number could decrease next season.

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