The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Critics hit Israel’s hard line on Iran

Retired head of internal security has ‘no faith’ in current leadership.

- By Karin Brulliard Washington Post

JERUSALEM — The former chief of Israel’s domestic intelligen­ce agency says Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are driven by “messianic feelings” and that he has “no faith” in them to lead a potential strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

The scathing comments by Yuval Diskin, who had kept a low profile since retiring last year, added to the sense of a divide between Israel’s security establishm­ent and its political leadership over the Iran issue. Earlier last week, the current military chief voiced confidence that sanctions and the threat of military action would deter Iran from building nuclear bombs, an analysis that contrasted with Netanyahu’s and Barak’s grimmer assessment­s.

Diskin, who headed the Shin Bet security agency for six years, was far more harsh. Speaking at a community meeting Friday, he said a pre-emptive Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear sites would probably accelerate, not end, Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

“They are misleading the public on the Iran issue,” Diskin said of the prime minister and the defense minister, according to an account in the daily newspaper Haaretz.

He added: “Believe me, I have observed them from up close. ... They are not people who I, on a personal level, trust to lead Israel to an event on that scale and carry it off. These are not people who I would want to have holding the wheel in such an event.”

Diskin’s comments echoed those previously made by Meir Dagan, the chief of Israel’s Mossad spy agency until January 2011, who said last year that a strike on Iran would lead to “regional war” and encourage Iran to continue its nuclear program.

At the time, Dagan also told Israeli journalist­s that he feared his retirement, as well as that of Diskin and the former military chief, Gabi Ashkenazi, had removed voices that could “block any dangerous adventure” led by Netanyahu and Barak.

But Diskin, who was de- scribed upon his retirement as a highly successful Shin Bet chief, had not publicly spoken of his reservatio­ns before Friday.

The offices of Netanyahu and Barak issued no responses Saturday. But other government officials and politician­s denounced Diskin’s words as politicall­y motivated and inappropri­ate.

“If these are his opinions, he should have stated them in the appropriat­e forums while he was in office,” Transporta­tion Minister Yisrael Katz said, according to the Jerusalem Post.

Another Israeli official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said Diskin’s leadership of the internal security agency meant he was a “peripheral player” on the topic of Iran. The official termed Diskin’s criticism “surprising and strange,” in part because Diskin had elected to serve an additional year at the Shin Bet.

In recent days, Israeli officials have played down the notion of a civil-security divide on Iran.

Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz — the military chief who told Haaretz earlier last week that he believed Iranian leaders were “very rational people” and would ultimately decide against building nuclear weapons — said Thursday that there was no disagreeme­nt among Israeli leadership.

On Thursday night, Barak emphasized that the decision about a pre-emptive strike would be made by political leaders and carried out by the military, and he deemed the chance of sanctions permanentl­y stopping Iran’s nuclear programs as “low.”

 ??  ?? Yuval Diskin, former head of Israel’s internal security, says the public is being misled on the effectiven­ess of a possible military strike on Iran’s nuclear program.
Yuval Diskin, former head of Israel’s internal security, says the public is being misled on the effectiven­ess of a possible military strike on Iran’s nuclear program.

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