The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Be a parent, not a buddy, before it’s too late for son

- Jeanne Phillips

Dear Abby: I have a beautiful wife, a dog and an 8-year-old son I love to watch sports with. My son loves sports, but he has trouble accepting a loss. He’ll take out his disappoint­ment by beating the dog. My wife doesn’t want to get rid of “Patches” because she has had him since college. I don’t want to put my son through counseling because he said he’ll hate me forever if I do. — Good Dad in Cleveland

Dear “Good Dad”: Stop trying so hard to be your son’s sports buddy, and try harder to be a parent. At his age, he should be able to handle disappoint­ment and control his anger and aggression. Do not wait another day to get him the counseling he needs! Children who hurt animals often go on to hurt other children. Your son should be evaluated by a mental health profession­al ASAP. By getting him the help he needs, you could be saving not one but two lives — his

and Patches’.

Dear Abby: My mother and I were discussing the subject of egg donation — something we’re both in favor of. I told her I have been considerin­g donating my eggs because I don’t plan to have children. Mom simply stared at me in shock.

Now when we talk, she casually brings up how she loves baby-sitting my young cousins and my niece. I have never particular­ly liked children. In fact, I prefer to live by myself. I know my mother has always wanted a lot of grandchild­ren, but being a wife and mother is not a goal of mine like it was hers. I almost feel guilty about my decision. How do I explain this without upsetting her further? — Childless By Choice

Dear Childless: Whether to have children is a personal choice. It should not be dictated because a parent “wants lots of grandchild­ren.” If your mother raises the subject, answer her honestly, but don’t apologize for your feelings.

Dear Abby: My cousin “Linda” loves her cats. Last year one of them, “Wookie,” got very sick and she had to take him to the animal hospital. She sent a mass text message to all our family members indicating she would be unable to afford Christmas gifts because she had to pay a couple of thousand dollars on Wookie’s vet bills. She continues to send updates on his health and treatment.

Last week, I received an email from Linda about a website she has establishe­d soliciting donations to cover her cat’s medical expenses. Every day since then I have received a text or email from her or her mother asking me to donate and to tell my friends as well.

How do I politely ask her to stop bombarding me with these requests? — Cat Got My Tongue

Dear Cat Got Your Tongue: Don’t ask. Your cousin is trying desperatel­y to save the pet she loves, and it would hurt her already sensitive feelings. Send her a donation, about the same amount you would spend on a Christmas gift for her. And when you see her request, hit “delete” and let it go.

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