The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Study: Romney tax plan seems feasible

Republican analyses say deductions would be cut.

- By David Lauter Chicago Tribune

WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney’s budget plan would significan­tly raise income taxes for many families making between $100,000 and $200,000, analyses by leading Republican economists cited by the Romney campaign show.

The Republican analyses were designed to rebut the Democratic charge that Romney’s plan would “increase taxes for the middle class.” The studies conclude that the plan could work as Romney has said but that doing so would require eliminatin­g all deductions and credits for households with income over $100,000. That would include wiping out such popular tax provisions as the deductions for mortgage income, charitable contributi­ons and state and local taxes.

Taxes provide one of the sharpest contrasts between the two presidenti­al candidates. Obama has made raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans a centerpiec­e of his campaign. He says that requiring the wealthy to pay “their fair share” is key to making sure the government can meet the country’s needs for improved education, upgraded roads and bridges, new industries and other steps to produce future jobs.

His plan is relatively simple. He would allow the President George W. Bush-era tax cuts for incomes over $250,000 to expire, as scheduled, on Jan 1. The tax cuts for those making less would remain in place. Under his plan, the top 1 percent of taxpayers would see an average tax hike of about $70,000, according to estimates by the Tax Policy Center, a Washington think tank widely cited by both parties.

Romney’s tax plan is more complex. He has proposed several measures to reduce taxes, saying that further cuts are necessary to spur economic growth. His plan includes cutting current income tax rates by onefifth, eliminatin­g the alternativ­e minimum tax, ending estate taxes and wiping out taxes on dividends and interest for individual­s with income below $100,000 and couples who make less than $200,000.

Those tax cuts would total between $200 billion and $220 billion a year. To keep the deficit from soaring, Romney has pledged to make the plan “revenue neutral.” That means that for every dollar the plan would reduce federal revenue, he would raise a dollar somewhere else — “base broadening,” in budget jargon.

Romney has declined to name the sources he would tap for new revenue and in a recent “Meet the Press” interview, denied his plan would raise middle-class taxes, saying, “People at the high end, high-income taxpayers, are going to have fewer deductions and exemptions.”

Voters should trust that he could achieve his goal without raising middle-class taxes because “five different economic studies, including one at Harvard and Princeton” support his case, he said.

The Harvard study was by Martin Feldstein, former head of the Council of Economic Advisors under President Ronald Reagan. Feldstein said that “it is feasible to combine tax cuts and base broadening as Gov. Romney suggests without raising the budget deficit or imposing any middle-class tax increase.”

Households earning more than $100,000 “are not the ‘middle class,’ ” Feldstein wrote in the expanded version of his study, noting that incomes over $100,000 put a family well into the upper fifth of U.S. incomes. For those taxpayers, making the plan work would require eliminatin­g all deductions and credits, he found. In addition, he said, Romney probably would need to tax the value of employer-provided health insurance for taxpayers with incomes above $100,000. Currently, the cost of insurance is not included in taxable income.

Romney himself offered a different definition of the middle class Friday, saying in an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America” that “middle income is $200,000 to $250,000 and less.”

He also distanced himself from Feldstein’s conclusion, saying that his tax plan would spur economic growth and thereby generate more revenue. Feldstein’s study “doesn’t necessaril­y show the same growth that we’re anticipati­ng,” he said.

The Princeton study, by economist Harvey S. Rosen, did analyze growth. Rosen estimated that new economic growth spurred by the tax cuts could generate between $25 billion and $60 billion of additional tax revenue.

Even with the added growth, Romney’s plan would require eliminatin­g many deductions for households with income over $100,000, Rosen’s study concluded.

For wealthier taxpayers, lower tax rates would outweigh the loss of deductions. An analysis by the Tax Policy Center earlier this summer estimated that taxpayers with annual income of $1 million or more would gain more than twice as much from lower rates as they would lose by eliminatin­g deductions. Taxpayers earning between $200,000 and $1 million also would benefit, although the margin would be less lopsided. The ratio flips for households earning below $200,000.

The impact would be particular­ly negative for taxpayers living in cities and suburbs with high housing costs — and therefore large mortgage deductions — and big state and local tax bills.

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