The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Russia mixes Syria message

Diplomat’s words on Assad called misunderst­ood.

- By Vladimir Isachenkov Associated Press

MOSCOW — Russia’s attempt to backpedal after a top diplomat said Syrian President Bashar Assad is losing control of his country reflects the dilemma Moscow faces as opposition fighters gain ground.

Throughout the Syrian crisis, Russia has tried to walk a fine line — eschewing statements of outright support for Assad while blocking internatio­nal attempts either to pressure him to stop the fighting or to leave power altogether.

Instead, Russia has insisted that negotiatio­ns are the only way to resolve the crisis and has portrayed itself as a principled opponent of foreign interventi­on.

The strategy, however, has led some to view Moscow’s stance as a disingenuo­us attempt to prop up a dictator in a country where activists say more than 40,000 people have been killed since March 2011.

As the fighting in Syria intensifie­d over recent months, Russian officials have held back from public assessment­s of whether Assad’s regime would survive.

But on Thursday, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov was quoted by major Russian news agencies as saying “there is a trend for the government to progressiv­ely lose control over an increasing part of the territory” and “an opposition victory can’t be excluded.”

On Friday, the Foreign Ministry issued a convoluted denial, saying its top envoy for Syria was merely characteri­zing the opinion of the Syrian opposition rather than stating Russia’s view.

“In that context, Bogdanov again confirmed Russia’s principled stance that a political settlement in Syria has no alternativ­e,” ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevic­h said in a statement.

While Bogdanov’s statement seemed to signal Russia’s attempt to begin positionin­g itself for Assad’s eventual defeat, the Foreign Ministry’s backtracki­ng clearly indicated that Moscow has no intention yet of pulling away from its Mideast ally.

This was reinforced by Syrian Deputy Prime Minister Qadri Jamil, who was in Moscow on Friday to meet with Bogdanov and his boss, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

“There have been no changes in Russia’s position,” Jamil told journalist­s after the meeting. “Russia stands for dialogue and against foreign interferen­ce.”

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