The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Report: Iran ships head toward Yemen

U.S. speeds supply of weapons to those fighting rebels.

- By Ahmed Al-Haj and Brian Rohan

SANAA, YEMEN — Iran dispatched a naval destroyer and another vessel Wednesday to waters near Yemen as the United States quickened the weapons supply to the Saudi-led coalition striking rebels there, underlinin­g how foreign powers are deepening their involvemen­t in the conflict.

Iran’s English-language state broadcaste­r Press TV quoted Rear Adm. Habibollah Sayyari as saying the ships would be part of an anti-piracy campaign “safeguardi­ng naval routes for vessels in the region.”

The maneuver comes amid an intense Saudi-led Gulf Arab air campaign targeting the Yemeni rebels, known as Houthis, who come from a Shiite sect. Critics say Shiite power Iran backs the Houthis, though both the Islamic Republic and the rebels deny any direct military assistance.

Speaking a day earlier in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken blamed the violence in Yemen on the Houthis, and forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, say- ing that the U.S. is committed to defending Saudi Arabia.

“We have expedited weapons deliveries, we have increased our intelligen­ce sharing, and we have establishe­d a joint coordinati­on and planning cell in the Saudi operations center,” he said in a statement to reporters after meeting with Saudi royals and Yemen’s President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who fled his country amid rebel advances.

Intelligen­ce sharing includes making available raw aerial imagery the coalition could use to better strike anti-Hadi forces, said a U.S. defense official who was not authorized to comment pub- licly. Blinken said the U.S. and the six-nation Gulf Cooperatio­n Council must coordinate closely and press all parties to seek a political solution.

The Gulf Arab-backed air campaign supporting Hadi, which began on March 26, has so far failed to stop the Houthis’ advance on Aden, Yemen’s second-largest city, which was declared the provisiona­l capital by Hadi before he fled.

The U.S. says that the chaos has allowed the local al-Qaida branch, which it considers the world’s most dangerous wing of the group, to make “great gains” on the ground, causing Washington to rethink how it prevents it from launching attacks in the West.

Speaking from Tokyo, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said the collapse of the central government in Yemen makes it harder to conduct counterter­rorism operations against al-Qaida, which has ambitions to strike Western targets, including the United States. Regarding the weapons deliveries, he said they involved “some resupply of equipment and munitions” to Saudi Arabia.

 ?? KHALED ABDULLAH / REUTERS ?? A man reacts at an airstrike site in Sanaa, Yemen, on Wednesday. A Saudi-led coalition airstrike hit an office of Yemen’s Houthi rebels.
KHALED ABDULLAH / REUTERS A man reacts at an airstrike site in Sanaa, Yemen, on Wednesday. A Saudi-led coalition airstrike hit an office of Yemen’s Houthi rebels.
 ?? MAHDI MARIZAD / FARS NEWS AGENCY / AP ?? The Iranian warship Alborz prepares before leaving Iran’s waters. Iran dispatched a naval destroyer and a logistics ship Wednesday to waters near Yemen; Iran says they’ll aid an anti-piracy fight.
MAHDI MARIZAD / FARS NEWS AGENCY / AP The Iranian warship Alborz prepares before leaving Iran’s waters. Iran dispatched a naval destroyer and a logistics ship Wednesday to waters near Yemen; Iran says they’ll aid an anti-piracy fight.

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