The Atlanta Journal-Constitution


- Q: A:

Help! Help! I had Windows 7 and downloaded 10. I lost more than I got. I can no longer stream my music from my computer to my Blue-ray; I can’t play my favorite games; and the gadgets I use (time, date, etc. are not on my screen). I am 81 and only use the computer to write letters, do spreadshee­ts, email and play games. Is there some way I can get back to Windows 7? Please help me, I am lost. — F. Cook

There is a way to go back and it looks pretty easy. But I haven’t tried it. So first let me be clear. I can’t know if doing this will create new problems — it shouldn’t, but since all this is new (even to me) all I can do is tell you how to do it. Click on the little Windows symbol at the bottom left of your screen. Next click on Settings. Next click on Update and Security. Now click on Recovery. You’ll see the option there to go back to Windows 7. Sounds easy and I hope it is. But if it creates problems, I won’t be able to help. I’ve never tried it.

I talked to Mr. Cook again after he used this technique to roll his computer back to Windows 7. He was lost and now he is found. The process took about 45 minutes in his case and all worked fine. But my warning still holds. Make sure that you have a good backup of all your data before trying this — or really before taking any major step that modifies or changes your operating system.

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