The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Grassley digs deeper hole with remarks on Roberts

- Rekha Basu Gail Collins will return.

Even the tired cliché about the pot calling the kettle black couldn’t adequately capture the irony when U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, last week accused Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts of fueling partisansh­ip around the judiciary. “Physician, heal thyself,” Grassley said, admonishin­g Roberts in a speech.

Picking a fight with the Republican-appointed chief justice marks a bizarre twist in the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman’s refusal to consider a nominee to fill an opening on the court while President Barack Obama is in office.

Grassley’s remarks were in reference to a speech the chief justice had given shortly before Justice Antonin Scalia’s death. Roberts observed that the public wrongly believes that justices see themselves as Republican­s or Democrats. Grassley shot back that the perception is not because, as Roberts had contended, the confirmati­on process has been so politicize­d, but because “the justices’ decisions are often political and transgress their constituti­onal role.”

“In fact,” Grassley said, “many of my constituen­ts believe, with all due respect, that the chief justice is part of this problem. They believe that a number of his votes have reflected political considerat­ions, not legal ones.”

Far be it from me to defend Roberts’ voting record on the court, which included the disastrous 2010 Citizens United decision allowing corporatio­ns to spend unlimited amounts to influence election outcomes in the name of free speech. Roberts also authored the dissenting opinion in the 2015 court ruling that upheld same-sex marriage rights.

Since his appointmen­t by President George W. Bush in 2005, Roberts has also voted against the use of race-conscious admission policies to achieve school desegregat­ion, to strike down an animal cruelty law, to require that colleges that receive any federal funding must allow military recruiters on campus, and to uphold the partial birth abortion ban. A liberal he’s not.

But not according to Grassley, for whom Roberts’ cardinal sin must have been voting to uphold Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Grassley accused the court of drifting from the “constituti­onal text” and ruling on such hot button issues as “freedom of religion, abortion, affirmativ­e action, gun control, free speech, and the death penalty,” based on individual policy preference­s. And he blamed that primarily on justices appointed by Democrats.

It seems that for Grassley, only justices appointed by Republican presidents are capable of being impartial. But even then, some can’t be trusted because, like Roberts, they might occasional­ly drift from the conservati­ve viewpoint.

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid fired back at Grassley for having, in Reid’s words, the audacity to accuse Roberts of being part of the problem. By refusing to give a hearing to Obama’s appointee, Judge Merrick Garland, “purely because he was nominated by a Democratic president,” Reid said, “Sen. Grassley has sacrificed the historic independen­ce of the judiciary to do the bidding of the tea party and the Koch brothers.”

Grassley invokes his constituen­ts to justify his intransige­nt stance. He denies being partisan but blasts a Republican-appointed justice for moving to the center. What could be a better illustrati­on of partisansh­ip — except maybe refusing to consider a Democratic president’s appointee?

So, many of us in Iowa and elsewhere await the election, wondering how Grassley will get out of the corner he’s painted himself into if a Democrat wins.

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