The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Astrophysi­cist in town to talk movies at the Fox

Neil deGrasse Tyson finds science in unexpected places.

- By Rodney Ho Neil deGrasse Tyson talks the movies For more of this interview, go to radiotvtal­

In a world filled with Kardashian­s and Real Housewives, there is fortunatel­y a place for an astrophysi­cist rock star. His name? Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Elevated by the success of Fox’s “Cosmos” series in 2014, Tyson has gone from lecturing college auditorium­s to big theaters such as the Fox Theatre in Atlanta. He’s back April 20 for his second trip in just over a year after a sold-out appearance in March 2015.

“Any time you sell out, they want you back,” Tyson said in a recent phone interview from the Hayden Planetariu­m in New York, where he is director. “The formula is pretty easy. I generally offer a theater or organizati­on a selection of talks. I don’t tour in the traditiona­l sense. I could do 12 consecutiv­e talks in the same place, and they would all be different. It depends on what they’re in the mood for.”

The Fox Theatre should be honored. He said he now gets 200 requests to appear at events a month. He has to say no to almost all of them. It doesn’t hurt that the Fox features twinkling stars on the ceiling. For a planetariu­m director, it’s like home.

The theme for the April 20 show is movies. And while it would be obvious for Tyson to focus purely on sci-fi films such as “Star Wars” and “Interstell­ar,” he said he will talk about other genres as well.

“It’s not as interestin­g to comment about whether a sci-fi movie gets it right or wrong,” he said. “It’s more fun when you find science in a movie you didn’t expect.” 7:30 p.m. April 20. $50-$100. Fox Theatre, 660 Peachtree St. N.E., Atlanta. www.

Although he hasn’t finalized all the films he will touch on, he knows he will bring up Pixar’s charming 2001 animated film “Monsters Inc.”

“It relates to multidimen­sional travel,” he said. “You might not have thought about it that way.

“When you see that film, you don’t think sci-fi. You think fun entertainm­ent. I’ll show a clip or image and explain what’s going on.”

Tyson has been making science understand­able to the average person on stages for decades. He said this goes back to eighth grade, when he was able to explain matrices better to his fellow students than the math teacher. He believed he was able to do so because he had just figured matrices out. His teacher had known it for so long, he had forgotten the perspectiv­e of a newcomer to the subject.

He learned over time how a speaker should take into account his audience in order to go beyond standard lecturing: “I want to lecture on another level. I want to tailor lessons to my audience and sharpen my ability to communicat­e when I am teaching people.”

And yes, like a good comic, he may throw in some local references to curry favor. “I might reference ‘The Walking Dead’ or the CDC, which is in Atlanta,” Tyson said. “It helps me connect with the audience.”

As for the lure of space travel, Tyson remains enamored. He knows how America got into space so quickly in the 1960s: the Cold War. “War money flows like a river,” he said, “but now there is insufficie­nt motivation.” He said travel has to be financiall­y viable despite the high risk of death. “People right now don’t see the return on investment,” he said.

Tyson thinks we are still at least 10 years out before space tourism will truly begin. Some planned trips are merely 200 miles above Earth. That’s not enough to entice Tyson. The moon a quarter-million miles away? That’s something he might consider.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Astrophysi­cist and “Cosmos” host Neil deGrasse Tyson comes to the Fox Theatre on Wednesday.
GETTY IMAGES Astrophysi­cist and “Cosmos” host Neil deGrasse Tyson comes to the Fox Theatre on Wednesday.

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