The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

After Trump, post-Fox News conservati­sm needs to rise

- Jack Hunter

to fumigate our own mess. And that means shining a halogen light on Trump’s biggest right-wing enablers: the Fox News Channel.

When Fox News was launched in 1996, it filled a void that at the time seemed cosmic. Before Internet blogs and Twitter flattened the media, a genuine oligarchy of the press existed that mostly tilted to the left.

It wasn’t its innate rightwing populism that crippled Fox, nor was it the endless hyperventi­lating attacks from left-wing bloggers during the Bush administra­tion. It was something baked deeper into the programmin­g. Fox CEO Roger Ailes had been a media guru on several Republican presidenti­al campaigns, and just as his goal then was to court voters, his objective with Fox was to court viewers, as many as possible, using any means necessary.

That meant screaming sting music and vivid graphics. It also meant occasional­ly subverting the conservati­ve to the televisual in favor of ratings. Fox became notorious for running B-roll of sexy women during its cultural segments, a habit that radio host Laura Ingraham criticized to Bill O’Reilly’s face several years ago.

But sex wasn’t Fox’s biggest problem. Far more corrosive was its never-ending quest to reinforce the prejudices of its viewers. On Fox, complex issues were distilled down into rudimentar­y dichotomie­s — real Americans vs. secular progressiv­es being O’Reilly’s favorite — and zany controvers­ies were forever drummed up. It was Fox where the stupid “war on Christmas” got its start.

The effect was to debauch conservati­sm — a cautious and broadly defined political persuasion — into an exercise of emotional expurgatio­n. Edmund Burke gave way to Thrasymach­us; ideas gave way to sophistry.

Which brings us to Donald Trump, a frequent Fox guest. He isn’t a philosophi­cal or even temperamen­tal phenomenon; he’s a rhetorical one. He doesn’t represent a faction of the right; he’s a grab bag of its loosely defined biases and prejudices.

But now Thrasymach­us is blushing. Trump is getting walloped by the most cacophonou­sly out-of-tune Democratic android since Michael Dukakis. The solution here isn’t to abandon Fox and retreat to the faculty lounge. Conservati­sm must remain a relevant popular force in our politics, but in order to be that it will need to change. We must become more inquisitiv­e, more willing to challenge assumption­s, and — occasional­ly — more willing to contradict even ourselves. We must put on hold what we’re against and rediscover what we’re for. We need a reformatio­n.

Meanwhile, Trump, in an eleventh-hour attempt to jazz his campaign, has hired Breitbart’s Steve Bannon and — who else? — Roger Ailes. Rejecting him will mean rejecting them, too.

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