The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

It’s wasteful to leave uneaten food

- Judith Martin Please send your questions to www.missmanner­; dearmissma­nners@gmail. com; or to Miss Manners, Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

Dear Miss Manners: My girlfriend is very particular about table manners. She makes a point of leaving a scattering of food on her plate at the end of a meal rather than finishing every crumb as I do.

I know it only amounts to one or two forkfuls, but having traveled extensivel­y in poor countries, I think this is wasteful and absurd.

The plates are also harder to wash. What are your thoughts?

Gentle Reader: That she would like to be excused before someone discovers her responsibi­lity in this matter. But that would be cowardly.

The sad truth is that a century ago, it was indeed the case that children in families that could afford it were taught not to finish everything on their plates. The embarrassi­ng part is that the rule was phrased as “Leave something for Miss Manners” (and in England, “Leave something for Lady Manners”).

So yes, while some people were starving, others were wasting food. Miss Manners was not starving, because she got all the rich folks’ leftovers.

It was Eleanor Roosevelt’s grandmothe­r who repealed this rule. As recounted in Mrs. Roosevelt’s “Book of Common Sense Etiquette”: “My grandmothe­r came to believe that food was needed in the world and we who had an abundance should not waste it.”

Dear Miss Manners: Is it rude for two co-workers to carry on a whispered conversati­on in the next cubicle? Would it be rude to ask them to whisper a little bit louder?

Gentle Reader: What, exactly, would you say? “I’m so sorry, but could you speak a bit louder, please? I’m having trouble eavesdropp­ing.”

Dear Miss Manners: Friends like to lend me books because they know I like to read.

Almost all my reading is done electronic­ally, by borrowing books from the local library. I am notified by email when a title that I have requested is available. I then have a window of time to read that book before the book is gone from my reading device.

Should I read the lent book from a friend first, and possibly not get my own book read in time, or should I read my own book first, and read my friend’s book only when I don’t have any of my own books pending, thereby keeping my friend’s book longer then the lender might have intended?

Gentle Reader: Well, then, specify.

Miss Manners rather doubts that people recommend and then lend books unless they have already finished reading them, or never intend to do so. Thus, there is probably not a rush to get them back.

So she suggests saying, “It could be a while before I get to it. Shall I ask you for it then, or is it all right if I take it now?”

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