The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Canadian colleges see increase in U.S. applicatio­ns after Trump win

- By Collin Binkley

For some college-bound students distressed by the election of Donald Trump, Canada is calling.

Colleges from Quebec to British Columbia say applicatio­ns and website traffic from the United States have been surging since Trump’s victory Nov. 8. Although many Canadian schools had also ramped up recruiting in the U.S. recently, some say dismay over the presidenti­al election has fueled a spike in interest beyond their expectatio­ns.

Lara Godoff, a 17-year-old from Napa, Calif., said she scrapped any notion of staying in the U.S. the day after the election. Among other concerns, Godoff, a Democrat, said she fears Trump’s administra­tion will ease enforcemen­t of federal rules against sexual assault, making campuses less safe for women.

Godoff had applied to one college in Canada but added three more as safety schools after the election.

“If we live in a country where so many people could elect Donald Trump, then that’s not a country I want to live in,” she said.

Applicatio­ns to the University of Toronto from American students have jumped 70 percent compared with this time last year, while several other Canadian schools have seen increases of 20 percent or more. U.S. applicatio­ns to McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, are up 34 percent.

“We can’t ignore the election results, but I think there are other strengths that are attracting students to the university, as well,” said Jennifer Peterman, senior manager of global undergradu­ate recruitmen­t at McGill University in Montreal. Students are also drawn by the school’s diversity and Canada’s lower cost of living, she said.

In the U.S., officials at some colleges say it’s clear Trump’s election is tilting enrollment patterns.

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