The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Obama believed strenuous diplomacy would prevail

- George F. Will

and China, which is shredding internatio­nal law by turning the world’s most important waterway, the South China Sea, into militarize­d Chinese territory.

Obama’s policies that brought America to a pinnacle of admiration, as he sees it, were an amalgam of Wilsonian and anti-Wilsonian elements. Wilson’s grand ambition for America was to reorder the world in a way that would make it unnecessar­y for America to have grand ambitions. He thought America could lead a restful life after strenuous diplomacy had written rules for the game of nations.

Many progressiv­es believe in humanity’s natural sociabilit­y. This disposes them to believe that peace among nations is natural and spontaneou­s, or it would be if other nations would cleanse their minds of the superstiti­ons that prevent them from recognizin­g the universal validity and demonstrab­le utility of American principles. These, said Wilson, are shared by “forward looking men and women everywhere” and “every modern nation.”

Obama seemed to doubt that America has much to teach the world, beyond post-Iraq modesty and the power of diplomacy’s soft power to tame the world. Although neither the English nor the American nor the Russian nor the Spanish nor the Chinese civil war was ended by negotiatio­ns, Obama thought the especially vicious and complex civil war in Syrian’s sectarian and tribal society could be ended diplomatic­ally. Russian President Vladimir Putin picked a side and helped it win.

The fact that the world is more disorderly and less lawful than when Obama became president is less his fault than the fault of something about which progressiv­es are skeptical — powerful, unchanging human nature.

It causes progressiv­es to furrow their brows in puzzlement. In 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea, Secretary of State John Kerry was disappoint­ed with Putin, saying, more in sorrow than in anger: “You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th-century fashion.”

Kerry’s reprimand of Putin expressed a progressiv­e’s certitude about progress: The passage of time should improve the comportmen­t of nations.

Obama’s foreign policy presumed the existence of “the community of nations.” But that phrase is worse than hackneyed and sentimenta­l, it is oxymoronic: Different nations affirm different notions of justice; a community consists of people made cohesive by a consensus about the nature of justice.

Soon, foreign policy will be conducted by a man who, although in 2010 he said WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange deserves the death penalty, now seems to trust Assange on Russian hacking more than he trusts the consensus of the nation’s $53 billion civilian intelligen­ce institutio­ns. Time passes and, we are told, brings progress.

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