The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Looking at top questions in Georgia politics for 2017

- BEST FROM THE BLOG By Greg Bluestein

It was a wildly unpredicta­ble 2016, but this year could well top it. A free-forall Atlanta mayoral race. Another blockbuste­r legislativ­e session. A budding race for 2018 statewide offices. And, of course, a President Donald Trump.

Here are nine questions in Georgia politics that your Insiders will be watching this year:

■ So, what exactly will President Donald Trump do? Yes, it’s the obvious question. And it’s also the one that will dominate the year. There’s much uncertaint­y about what a Trump White House will actually set out to accomplish, and how quickly it will do so. Trump has promised to renegotiat­e trade deals, scrap the Affordable Care Act, toughen immigratio­n laws, dramatical­ly lower taxes, push a sweeping infrastruc­ture spending plan and, more generally, “drain the swamp” in Washington. His decisions over the next year could bring widespread change to Georgia, starting with a new debate over rising health care costs.

■ Will Gov. Nathan Deal get his education overhaul? The Republican governor made overhaulin­g the school funding formula the centerpiec­e of his 2014 re-election campaign before pivoting to a divisive plan to allow the state to take control of failing schools. With that education initiative in tatters — it was soundly defeated at the polls in November — he is preparing a “Plan B” and could also revisit his plans to remake how k-12 schools are funded. But he could face an even tougher road than before after a pair of This Q&A is among the many items readers could find this past week in the Political Insider blog on Look there for breaking news and to gain insight about Georgia’s political scene. controvers­ial vetoes deepened the divide between him and GOP leaders, plus a developing 2018 race for governor that could complicate his agenda.

■ Is the “religious liberty” debate going to make a comeback? Deal’s veto of the “religious liberty” legislatio­n last year was one of the defining moments in the Governor’s Mansion, and it seems destined to shape his remaining years in office. This year, though, there are signs that the contentiou­s legislatio­n won’t hog the spotlight. House Speaker David Ralston said it should be left up to federal lawmakers, while Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle — who last year was one of the fiercest supporters of the initiative — has said little about the plan.

■ Can Georgia Democrats regroup after an electoral disaster? Georgia Democrats spent the month after Hillary Clinton’s defeat licking their wounds. Sidelined for more than a decade, they were no closer to regaining control of the Georgia Legislatur­e than they were two years ago. There’s no clear leader or unified direction. And warring factions in the party are competing against each other for limited resources. Partisans note several silver linings — notably, Clinton’s flip of Cobb and Gwinnett counties — as they try to carve a path forward in the era of Trump.

■ Who will be Atlanta’s next mayor? The race to replace Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed may end up being one of the most-watched political contests in the nation in 2017, and it’s shaping up to be a free-for-all. About a dozen contenders are in the race, ranging from state Sen. Vincent Fort running as a Bernie Sanders liberal to Councilwom­an Mary Norwood positionin­g herself as a business-minded conservati­ve. In between are a range of former lawmakers, business leaders and City Council members hoping to fight their way to a place in a runoff. Depending on how it shakes out, the city could have its first openly gay mayor, its first white mayor in a generation, a mayor who wants to extend Reed’s legacy — or one who openly reviles him.

■ How will the governor’s race shake out? It’s so far been a quiet start to the race to replace Deal, thanks to Trump’s surprise victory. That shook up the race, with potential contenders such as U.S. Rep. Tom Price and U.S. Sen. David Perdue (likely) opting to stay in Washington. Republican Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle is all but assured to jump in, but less certain are the other GOP contenders. On the Democratic side, House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams is gearing up for a run — and she’ll soon find out whether fellow Democrats clear the way for her.

What will Trump’s health care policy mean for Georgia? Almost as soon as Trump’s achieved his victory, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle hoping to force a debate this year on Medicaid expansion were ready to concede defeat. How Trump and Georgia’s Price — his pick for health secretary — plan to replace Barack Obama’s health care policy will affect Georgia’s fiscal bottom line, and lawmakers face a tremendous amount of uncertaint­y. As state Rep. Terry England, who heads the House’s budget-writing committee, said of what to expect from Trump: “We really have no clue.”

■ Who will replace Price, and who will run for the other down-ticket races? There’s an outside chance that every statewide office, except for the newly installed attorney general, is up for grabs in 2018. And there’s an ever-growing list of lawmakers, former politician­s and self-proclaimed outsiders looking to fill them. But first, voters in some north Atlanta suburbs have to decide who replaces Price in a conservati­ve district — a vote that will be among the first special elections to follow Trump’s victory.

■ Will gun advocates get their “campus carry” legislatio­n? Deal was pretty unequivoca­l in his opposition to the “religious liberty” legislatio­n, but he left the door a crack open for another bill he vetoed that would legalize firearms at all public colleges in Georgia. He nixed that proposal only after lawmakers defied his personal request for changes that would carve out a few exceptions to the expansion, and he has yet to stake out any firm opposition to its revival. He could dangle it as a bargaining chip for his priorities — namely his education plan.

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