The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Flynn committed no crime, so why did he lie about it?

- Charles Krauthamme­r He writes for the Washington Post.

It’s a Watergate-era cliché that the cover-up is always worse than the crime. In the Mike Flynn affair, we have the first recorded instance of a cover-up in the absence of a crime.

Being covered up were the Dec. 29 phone calls between Flynn and the Russian ambassador to Washington. The presumed violation was Flynn negotiatin­g with a foreign adversary while the Obama administra­tion was still in office and — even worse — discussing with Sergey Kislyak the sanctions then being imposed upon Russia for meddling in the 2016 elections. What’s wrong with that? Worst case: He was telling Kislyak that the Trump administra­tion might lift sanctions and therefore, comrade, no need for a spiral of retaliatio­ns. How different is this from Barack Obama telling Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, on an inadverten­tly open mic, during his 2012 re-election campaign, “This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibilit­y.”

Flynn would have been giving the Russians useful informatio­n that might well have contribute­d to Russia’s decision not to retaliate. I’m no Russophile. But again: What’s wrong with that? Turns out, the Trump administra­tion has not lifted those sanctions. It’s all a tempest in an empty teapot.

The accusation­s of misbehavio­r by Flynn carry a subliminal echo of a long-standing charge against Richard Nixon that he interfered in the Paris peace talks in October 1968 to prevent his Democratic opponent from claiming a major foreign policy success on the eve of the presidenti­al election.

But that kind of alleged diplomatic freelancin­g would have prolonged a war in which Americans were dying daily. The Flynn conversati­on was nothing remotely of the sort. Where’s the harm?

The harm was not the calls but Flynn’s lying about them. And most especially lying to the vice president who then went out and told the world Flynn had never discussed sanctions. You can’t leave your vice president undercut and exposed. Flynn had to go.

Up to this point, the story makes sense. Except for one thing: Why the cover-up if there is no crime? Why lie about talking about sanctions? It’s inexplicab­le. Did Flynn want to head off lines of inquiry about other contacts with Russians that might not have been so innocent?

Which is why there will be investigat­ions. Speculatio­n ranges from the wildly malevolent to the rather loopily innocent.

At one end of the spectrum is the scenario wherein these campaign officials — including perhaps Flynn, perhaps even Trump — are compromise­d because of tainted business or political activities known to the Russians, to whom they are now captive. A fevered conspiracy in my view, but there are non-certifiabl­e people who consider it possible.

At the benign end of the spectrum is that the easily flattered Trump imagines himself the great dealmaker who overnight becomes a great statesman by charming Vladimir Putin into a Nixon-to-China grand bargain — we jointly call off the new Cold War, join forces to destroy the Islamic State and reach a new accommodat­ion for Europe that relieves us of some of the burden of parasitic allies.

I believe neither of these scenarios but I’m hard-put to come up with alternativ­es. The puzzle remains. Why did Flynn lie? Until we answer that, the case of the cover-up in search of a crime remains unsolved.

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