The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Trump’s great virtue? He’s willing to win at all costs

- Star Parker She writes for Creators Syndicate.

After less then 75 days in office, the mainstream media is already writing obituaries for the Trump administra­tion. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry from the absurdity of it all.

Even Juan Williams of Fox News writes. “But it is no liberal fantasy to say the odds of a Trump resignatio­n or impeachmen­t before 2020 are looking better by the day.”

Words are cheap, and I wonder what kind of odds Williams would actually give this ridiculous propositio­n were he to put some of his own cash on the table.

I prefer to look through the noise and see a president who cannot tolerate losing and as result will incur all costs, and take all action, to ensure that he we will win.

This means taking immediate measure of the situation and changing, as necessary.

I am reminded of a quote from a U.S. Marine, Maj. Lloyd Williams, memorializ­ed in a veterans memorial in in California. When advised by a French Colonel to retreat during a battle in World War I, he said, “Retreat Hell! We just got here!”

After a round of golf with U.S. Sen Rand Paul, a critic of the health care bill that Republican­s couldn’t muster the votes to pass, Trump tweeted:

“Anybody (especially Fake News media) who thinks that Repeal and Replace of Obamacare is dead does not know the love and strength in R. Party . ... Talks on Repealing and Replacing ObamaCare are going on, and will continue until such time as a deal is hopefully struck.”

Far more important than flailing from leftwing journalist­s is the sentiment of the American people. And optimism is surging.

Pew Research Center has just released a new survey showing that 58 percent “say the economic situation is very or somewhat good.” This is up from 44 percent from same time last year.

Says Pew, “The 14-percentage-point rise in overall public opinion about the economy since last year is the largest one-year improvemen­t in public sentiment about economic conditions in the history of this survey.”

It’s also the first time since 2007 that positive sentiment about the economy was greater than negative sentiment.

And this surge of optimism about the economy is bipartisan.

Sixty-one percent of Republican­s and 60 percent of Democrats say economic conditions are “very or somewhat good,” with the figure for Independen­ts standing at 54 percent.

The stock market, the ultimate bellwether of sentiment, is surging. The Dow Jones Industrial Average stands 25 percent higher today than where it was in February 2016.

Of course, we have a new team in place in Washington and it is reasonable to expect some mistakes. The point is not mistakes, but the focus and commitment to move on.

What is unique today is the combinatio­n of a president who will not settle for less than delivering on what he promised and a core group of committed Republican­s in Congress who will not settle for less than getting America back on track to its founding principle of freedom.

And health care will be re-addressed and fixed. We have no choice. As President Trump said when the Republican bill was pulled, Obamacare is imploding.

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