The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



One reason why bridge remains a compelling game is its diverse elements. It comprises mathematic­s, logic, ethics and partnershi­p cooperatio­n.

A good declarer often faces a problem of psychology versus technique: whether to try for his contract with a legitimate technical chance or play for a defensive error. With that in mind, consider how you would operate as declarer.

At 3NT, South won the first spade with the ace, preserving the king as an entry to dummy, and led a club to the queen. East took the ace and returned the queen of hearts, and South won and led a second club. West played low, and dummy’s jack won, but East discarded a spade. Since South couldn’t set up the clubs, he took only eight tricks: one club, three spades, two hearts and two diamonds.

What is your opinion of South’s play?

Assuming the missing clubs broke 3-2 and neither defender had the A-K doubleton — and given competent defense — South’s play could never make the contract. Capable defenders would refuse the first club, leaving declarer one entry to dummy short to set up and cash the long clubs.

When West follows low to the first club, South’s legitimate chance is to play low from dummy.

Should South instead play an honor, hoping East will err by winning the trick with A-x or K-x? That depends on South’s assessment of the skill of his opponent. Personally, I would hate to insult my opponent by assuming he would make a Little League defensive error.

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